LOCUS       X05973                   120 bp    mRNA    linear   PHG 07-APR-1994
DEFINITION  Bacteriophage phi29 prohead RNA.
VERSION     X05973.1
KEYWORDS    DNA packaging; prohead RNA.
SOURCE      Bacillus virus phi29
  ORGANISM  Bacillus virus phi29
            Viruses; Caudovirales; Podoviridae; Picovirinae; Salasvirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Guo P., Bailey S., Bodley J.W., Anderson D.
  TITLE     Characterization of the small RNA of the bacteriophage phi 29 DNA
            packaging machine
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 15(17), 7081-7090(1987).
   PUBMED   3116499
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Reid R.J., Bodley J.W., Anderson D.
  TITLE     Characterization of the prohead-pRNA interaction of bacteriophage
            phi 29
  JOURNAL   J Biol Chem 269(7), 5157-5162(1994).
   PUBMED   8106496
COMMENT     Data kindly reviewed (28-JAN-1988) by Guo P.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..120
                     /organism="Bacillus virus phi29"
     misc_feature    1..120
                     /note="prohead RNA"
BASE COUNT           30 a           22 c           27 g           41 t
        1 tcaatggtac ggtacttcca ttgtcatgtg tatgttgggg attaaaccct gattgagttc
       61 agcccacata ctttgttgat tggttgtcaa tcatggcaaa agtgcacgct actttgataa