LOCUS       JF602626                 496 bp    DNA     linear   ENV 11-JUL-2017
DEFINITION  Uncultured bacterium clone GDIC2IK01CP78U 16S ribosomal RNA gene,
            partial sequence.
VERSION     JF602626.1
SOURCE      uncultured bacterium
  ORGANISM  uncultured bacterium
            Bacteria; environmental samples.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 496)
  AUTHORS   Garcia,S.L., Jangid,K., Whitman,W.B. and Das,K.C.
  TITLE     Transition of microbial communities during the adaption to
            anaerobic digestion of carrot waste
  JOURNAL   Bioresour. Technol. 102 (15), 7249-7256 (2011)
   PUBMED   21620691
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 496)
  AUTHORS   Garcia,S.L., Jangid,K., Whitman,W.B. and Das,K.C.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (08-MAR-2011) University of Georgia, Biological and
            Agricultural Engineering, Athens, GA 30602, USA
COMMENT     Sequences represent trimmed and validated sequence reads derived
            from 454 pyrosequencing.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..496
                     /organism="uncultured bacterium"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /isolation_source="methanogenic enrichments of carrot
                     waste inoculated with rumen fluid and sediments"
     rRNA            <1..>496
                     /product="16S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT          140 a          109 c          142 g          105 t
        1 atgaacgcta gcgacaggcc taacacatgc aagtcgaggg gcagcacaag gagcaatctg
       61 aggtggcgac cggcgcacgg gtgagtaaca cgtatgcaac ctgcctgtaa gcggggaata
      121 acccgttgaa agacggacta ataccgcata atactaaatt actgcatggt aatttattta
      181 aacatttatg gcttacagat gggcatgcgc atgattagct agttggagag gtaacggctc
      241 cccaaggcaa cgatcattag gggttctgag aggaaggtcc ccccacactg gtactgagac
      301 acggaccaga ctcctacggg aggcagcagt gaggaatatt ggtcaatgga cgagagtctg
      361 aaccagccaa gtcgcgtgca ggaagaattg tcctatggat tgtaaactgc ttttgcaggg
      421 gaataaagtg catcacgtgt gatgttttgt atgtactctg cgaataagga tcggctaact
      481 ccgtgccagc cgccgc