LOCUS       BC021030                1186 bp    mRNA    linear   SYN 02-SEP-2016
DEFINITION  Synthetic construct Homo sapiens hexosaminidase A (alpha
            polypeptide), mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3626334), partial cds.
VERSION     BC021030.1
SOURCE      synthetic construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic construct
            other sequences; artificial sequences.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1186)
  AUTHORS   Strausberg,R.L., Feingold,E.A., Grouse,L.H., Derge,J.G.,
            Klausner,R.D., Collins,F.S., Wagner,L., Shenmen,C.M., Schuler,G.D.,
            Altschul,S.F., Zeeberg,B., Buetow,K.H., Schaefer,C.F., Bhat,N.K.,
            Hopkins,R.F., Jordan,H., Moore,T., Max,S.I., Wang,J., Hsieh,F.,
            Diatchenko,L., Marusina,K., Farmer,A.A., Rubin,G.M., Hong,L.,
            Stapleton,M., Soares,M.B., Bonaldo,M.F., Casavant,T.L.,
            Scheetz,T.E., Brownstein,M.J., Usdin,T.B., Toshiyuki,S.,
            Carninci,P., Prange,C., Raha,S.S., Loquellano,N.A., Peters,G.J.,
            Abramson,R.D., Mullahy,S.J., Bosak,S.A., McEwan,P.J.,
            McKernan,K.J., Malek,J.A., Gunaratne,P.H., Richards,S.,
            Worley,K.C., Hale,S., Garcia,A.M., Gay,L.J., Hulyk,S.W.,
            Villalon,D.K., Muzny,D.M., Sodergren,E.J., Lu,X., Gibbs,R.A.,
            Fahey,J., Helton,E., Ketteman,M., Madan,A., Rodrigues,S.,
            Sanchez,A., Whiting,M., Madan,A., Young,A.C., Shevchenko,Y.,
            Bouffard,G.G., Blakesley,R.W., Touchman,J.W., Green,E.D.,
            Dickson,M.C., Rodriguez,A.C., Grimwood,J., Schmutz,J., Myers,R.M.,
            Butterfield,Y.S., Krzywinski,M.I., Skalska,U., Smailus,D.E.,
            Schnerch,A., Schein,J.E., Jones,S.J. and Marra,M.A.
  TITLE     Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length
            human and mouse cDNA sequences
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 (26), 16899-16903 (2002)
   PUBMED   12477932
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1186)
  AUTHORS   Strausberg,R.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (03-JAN-2002) National Institutes of Health, Mammalian
            Gene Collection (MGC), Cancer Genomics Office, National Cancer
            Institute, 31 Center Drive, Room 11A03, Bethesda, MD 20892-2590,
  REMARK    NIH-MGC Project URL:
COMMENT     Contact: MGC help desk
            Tissue Procurement: ATCC
            cDNA Library Preparation: Rubin Laboratory
            cDNA Library Arrayed by: The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium (LLNL)
            DNA Sequencing by: Institute for Systems Biology
            Anup Madan, Jessica Fahey, Erin Helton, Mark Ketteman, Anuradha
            Madan, Stephanie Rodrigues, Amy Sanchez and Michelle Whiting
            Clone distribution: MGC clone distribution information can be found
            through the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium/LLNL at:
            Series: IRAL Plate: 24 Row: k Column: 21
            This clone was selected for full length sequencing because it
            passed the following selection criteria: Hexamer frequency ORF
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1186
                     /organism="synthetic construct"
                     /isolation_source="Homo sapiens; Uterus, endometrium
                     /note="Vector: pOTB7"
     gene            <1..1186
     CDS             <1..930
                     /product="HEXA protein"
     misc_feature    7..804
                     /note="Glyco_hydro_20; Region: Glycosyl hydrolase family
                     20, catalytic domain. This domain has a TIM barrel fold"
BASE COUNT          279 a          291 c          326 g          290 t
        1 agagagagaa cggggtccta caaccctgtc acccacatct acacagcaca ggatgtgaag
       61 gaggtcattg aatacgcacg gctccggggt atccgtgtgc ttgcagagtt tgacactcct
      121 ggccacactt tgtcctgggg accaggtatc cctggattac tgactccttg ctactctggg
      181 tctgagccct ctggcacctt tggaccagtg aatcccagtc tcaataatac ctatgagttc
      241 atgagcacat tcttcttaga agtcagctct gtcttcccag atttttatct tcatcttgga
      301 ggagatgagg ttgatttcac ctgctggaag tccaacccag agatccagga ctttatgagg
      361 aagaaaggct tcggtgagga cttcaagcag ctggagtcct tctacatcca gacgctgctg
      421 gacatcgtct cttcttatgg caagggctat gtggtgtggc aggaggtgtt tgataataaa
      481 gtaaagattc agccagacac aatcatacag gtgtggcgag aggatattcc agtgaactat
      541 atgaaggagc tggaactggt caccaaggcc ggcttccggg cccttctctc tgccccctgg
      601 tacctgaacc gtatatccta tggccctgac tggaaggatt tctacgtagt ggaacccctg
      661 gcatttgaag gtacccctga gcagaaggct ctggtgattg gtggagaggc ttgtatgtgg
      721 ggagaatatg tggacaacac aaacctggtc cccaggctct ggcccagagc aggggctgtt
      781 gccgaaaggc tgtggagcaa caagttgaca tctgacctga catttgccta tgaacgtttg
      841 tcacacttcc gctgtgagtt gctgaggcga ggtgtccagg cccaacccct caatgtaggc
      901 ttctgtgagc aggagtttga acagacctga gccccaggca ccgaggaggg tgctggctgt
      961 aggtgaatgg tagtggagcc aggcttccac tgcatcctgg ccaggggacg gagccccttg
     1021 ccttcgtgcc ccttgcctgc gtgcccctgt gcttggagag aaaggggccg gtgctggcgc
     1081 tcgcattcaa taaagagtaa tgtggcattt ttctataata aacatggatt acctgtgttt
     1141 aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaac tcgagactag ttctctccct cgtgcc