LOCUS LC702703 109 bp RNA linear VRL 24-MAR-2022 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 NG/DENV1/2020 gene for NS5 protein, partial cds. ACCESSION LC702703 VERSION LC702703.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM dengue virus type 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Orthoflavivirus; Orthoflavivirus denguei; Dengue virus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 109) AUTHORS Tizhe,D.T. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (19-MAR-2022) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Daniel Thakuma Tizhe Ahmadu Bello University; Samaru campus, Zaria, Kaduna 810103, Nigeria REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Tizhe,D.T., Kwaga,J.K.P. and Kia,G.S.N. TITLE Serological and molecular survey for dengue virus infection in febrile suspected patients in selected local government areas in Adamawa State, Nigeria JOURNAL Unpublished (2022) COMMENT FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..109 /collected_by="Tizhe, D.T." /collection_date="2020-09-25" /country="Nigeria: Adamawa; Mubi, Yola North, Numan" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /host="Homo sapiens" /isolate="NG/DENV1/2020" /isolation_source="human serum" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /organism="Dengue virus 1" CDS <1..>109 /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="BDH21678.1" /transl_table=1 /translation="FTERQSRHELGYRLNRNICSAVNVTSRMLLSRITMA" mat_peptide <1..>109 /gene="NS5" /product="NS5 protein" BASE COUNT 35 a 23 c 24 g 27 t ORIGIN 1 ttcacggaac gccagtcacg acatgaactg ggttacagat tgaataggaa tatttgctca 61 gcagtgaacg taacatccag aatgttactc agtcgaatta caatggctc //