LOCUS       S83549                   595 bp    mRNA    linear   HUM 26-JUL-2016
DEFINITION  Na+/H+ exchanger isoform NHE-2 [human, various tissues, mRNA
            Partial, 595 nt].
VERSION     S83549.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 595)
  AUTHORS   Dudeja,P.K., Rao,D.D., Syed,I., Joshi,V., Dahdal,R.Y., Gardner,C.,
            Risk,M.C., Schmidt,L., Bavishi,D., Kim,K.E., Harig,J.M.,
            Goldstein,J.L., Layden,T.J. and Ramaswamy,K.
  TITLE     Intestinal distribution of human Na+/H+ exchanger isoforms NHE-1,
            NHE-2, and NHE-3 mRNA
  JOURNAL   Am. J. Physiol. 271 (3 PT 1), G483-G493 (1996)
   PUBMED   8843774
  REMARK    GenBank staff at the National Library of Medicine created this
            entry [NCBI gibbsq 180443] from the original journal article.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..595
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     gene            1..595
                     /gene="Na+/H+ exchanger isoform NHE-2"
     CDS             1..594
                     /gene="Na+/H+ exchanger isoform NHE-2"
                     /product="Na+/H+ exchanger isoform NHE-2"
BASE COUNT          204 a          117 c          132 g          142 t
        1 gtgaagactg ggattgaaga tgtttgtgga cattggggtc acaacttttg gagagacaag
       61 tttaagaagt ttgatgataa atatctgcgg aacgttttga ttcgggaaaa ccaaccaaag
      121 tcaagtattg tatctttata taaaaagctt gaaataaaac atgccattga gatggcagag
      181 actgggatga taagtactgt ccctacattt gcatctctaa atgattgtcg tgaagaaaaa
      241 ataaggaagg tcacgtccag tgaaactgat gaaattcgag aactcttatc aagaaatctc
      301 tatcaaatcc gtcagcgcac tttatcctac aacagacaca gtctgacagc agacacaagt
      361 gagaggcaag ccaaggagat tctgattcgg cgtcgacaca gtttgcgaga aagcattagg
      421 aaggacagca gcttgaatcg agaacacagg gcttccactt caacctcccg atatttatcc
      481 ttacctaaaa atacgaagct tccagaaaag ctacaaaaga ggaggactat ttctattgca
      541 gatggcaata gcagcagctc agacgcacat gccggaacca ccgtactcaa tttgc