LOCUS       S80785                    72 bp    mRNA    linear   HUM 14-JUL-2016
DEFINITION  mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-II receptor [human,
            hepatocellular carcinomas, mRNA Partial Mutant, 72 nt].
VERSION     S80785.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 72)
  AUTHORS   De Souza,A.T., Hankins,G.R., Washington,M.K., Orton,T.C. and
  TITLE     M6P/IGF2R gene is mutated in human hepatocellular carcinomas with
            loss of heterozygosity
  JOURNAL   Nat. Genet. 11 (4), 447-449 (1995)
   PUBMED   7493029
  REMARK    GenBank staff at the National Library of Medicine created this
            entry [NCBI gibbsq 175048] from the original journal article.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..72
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     gene            1..72
                     /gene="mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-II
                     receptor, M6P/IGF2R"
     CDS             1..72
                     /gene="mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-II
                     receptor, M6P/IGF2R"
                     /product="mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth
                     factor-II receptor"
BASE COUNT           21 a           12 c           20 g           19 t
        1 cctcagtgga gagatggcat aattgtcctg aaatacgttg atggcgactt atgtccagat
       61 gagattcgga aa