LOCUS       HUMFPBKB1A              1067 bp    DNA     linear   HUM 31-DEC-1994
DEFINITION  Human folate binding protein (KB-1) pseudogene, partial cds.
VERSION     M86438.1
KEYWORDS    folate-binding protein; pseudogene.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Sadasivan,E. and Rothenberg,S.P.
  TITLE     The complete amino acid sequence of a human folate binding protein
            from KB cells determined from the cDNA
  JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 264 (10), 5806-5811 (1989)
   PUBMED   2538429
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1067)
  AUTHORS   Sadasivan,E., Cedeno,M. and Rothenberg,S.P.
  TITLE     Genomic organization of the gene and a related pseudogene for a
            human folate binding protein
  JOURNAL   Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1131 (1), 91-94 (1992)
   PUBMED   1581364
COMMENT     Original source text: Homo sapiens lambda Charon 4A DNA.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1067
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /tissue_type="lambda Charon 4A"
     gene            1..1067
     intron          1..21
     exon            22..208
                     /note="87-91% homology with KB cell folate binding protein
                     cDNA; putative"
     misc_feature    51
                     /note="deletion of 1 nucleotide"
     misc_feature    89
                     /note="deletion of 1 nucleotide"
     intron          209..359
     exon            360..495
                     /note="87-91% homology with KB cell folate binding protein
                     cDNA; putative"
     intron          496..643
     exon            644..1067
                     /note="87-91% homology with KB cell folate binding protein
                     cDNA; putative"
BASE COUNT          230 a          291 c          287 g          259 t
        1 cctgtgtctt cccgcatcca gtgtagtctc tggagaaaga atgcctgagc tttaccagca
       61 ccacccagga agcccataag aatattccca tctatatgga ttcaactgga accactgtgg
      121 agagatggta cctgcctgca aacggcactt tatccaggac acctgccttt acgagtgacc
      181 ccccaacttg gggccctgga tccagcaggt atgcatggct tcctggcatc caagagctag
      241 cagaggagct gaattttcca ggcgtctctg caggcagcaa ccccagctcc acttctattc
      301 agggctgggt tcctgggatt cttgagcctg agcccttctt ttctaccaaa atctcccagg
      361 tggatcagag ctggtgcaaa gagtgggtgc tgaatgtgcc cctgtgcaaa gaggactgtg
      421 agcaatggtg ggaagattgt cgcacctcct acacctgcaa gagcaatggg cacaagggct
      481 ggaactggac ctcaggtgag ggctggggtg ggcaggaaag gagggatttg gaagtgaagg
      541 tgtgttgggt gtggaacagg tgtgtgacat tttggggttg tagggctggc agaatcagag
      601 acctttgggg cccagtggct aaaggtcttc cctcttccta cagggtctaa caagtgccag
      661 gtggcagctg cctgactacc tttccatctc tactttctca cacccactgc tctgtgcagt
      721 gaaatctgga ctcactccta cagggtcagc aactacaacc gagggagcag ccgctgcatc
      781 cagatgtggt tcgacctggc ccagggcaac cccaatgagg aggtggcaag gttctatgct
      841 gcagctctga gtggggctgg gccctgggca gcctggcctc tcctgctcaa cctggcccta
      901 atgctgctgt ggctgctcag ctgacctcct tttaccttct gatacttgga catccctgcc
      961 ctgtttagcc ccacagctcc caactatttg gttcctcttc tatggtcttg tctctgacag
     1021 ccactttgaa taaaccacac accacacatg tatcttgaga attattt