LOCUS       HUMIGHV13C               525 bp    DNA     linear   HUM 05-OCT-1995
DEFINITION  Human immunoglobulin heavy-chain-2 light-chain-2 VH segment V13C
            (IGHV) exon 2, 5' end.
VERSION     L25542.1
KEYWORDS    V-region; heavy chain; immunoglobulin.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 525)
  AUTHORS   Nagaoka,H., Ozawa,K., Matsuda,F., Hayashida,H., Matsumura,R.,
            Haino,M., Shin,E.K., Fukita,Y., Imai,T., Anand,R., Yokoyama,K.,
            Eki,T., Soeda,E. and Honjo,T.
  TITLE     Recent translocation of variable and diversity segments of the
            human immunoglobulin heavy chain from chromosome 14 to chromosomes
            15 and 16
  JOURNAL   Genomics 22 (1), 189-197 (1994)
   PUBMED   7959766
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..525
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     CDS             join(47..92,177..>483)
                     /product="immunoglobulin heavy-chain-2 light-chain-2 VH
     intron          93..176
     exon            177..483
BASE COUNT          127 a          135 c          151 g          112 t
        1 ccacacacgt cctctagaga agcccctgag agcacagctc ctcaccatgg gctggacttg
       61 gaggatcctg tttttggtgg tcatagctgc aggtaggata attctcagtc cccaggacta
      121 aggtgactgg ggtccagtca aagggggttt tatccactcc tgtgtcctct ccacaggtgc
      181 ccagtcccag gtacagctga tgcagtctgg ggctgaggtg aagaagcctg gggcctcagt
      241 gaggatctcc tgcaaggctt ctggatacac cttcaccagc tactgtatgc actgggtgtg
      301 ccaggcccat gcacaagggc ttgagtggat gggattggtg tgccctagtg atggcagcac
      361 aagctatgca cagaagttcc agggcagagt caccataacc agggacacat ccatgggcac
      421 agcctacatg gagctaagca gcctgagatc tgaggacacg gccatgtatt actgtgtgag
      481 agacacaatg tgaaaaccca catcctgaga gtgtcagaaa ttgca