LOCUS       BC032686                1138 bp    mRNA    linear   SYN 02-SEP-2016
DEFINITION  Synthetic construct Homo sapiens, clone IMAGE:5581652, mRNA.
VERSION     BC032686.1
SOURCE      synthetic construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic construct
            other sequences; artificial sequences.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1138)
  AUTHORS   Strausberg,R.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (06-JUN-2002) National Institutes of Health, Mammalian
            Gene Collection (MGC), Cancer Genomics Office, National Cancer
            Institute, 31 Center Drive, Room 11A03, Bethesda, MD 20892-2590,
  REMARK    NIH-MGC Project URL:
COMMENT     Contact: MGC help desk
            Tissue Procurement: ATCC
            cDNA Library Preparation: Life Technologies, Inc.
            cDNA Library Arrayed by: The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium (LLNL)
            DNA Sequencing by: National Institutes of Health Intramural
            Sequencing Center (NISC),
            Gaithersburg, Maryland;
            Web site:
            Akhter,N., Ayele,K., Beckstrom-Sternberg,S.M., Benjamin,B.,
            Blakesley,R.W., Bouffard,G.G., Breen,K., Brinkley,C., Brooks,S.,
            Dietrich,N.L., Granite,S., Guan,X., Gupta,J., Haghighi,P.,
            Hansen,N., Ho,S.-L., Karlins,E., Laric,P., Legaspi,R., Maduro,Q.L.,
            Masiello,C., Maskeri,B., Mastrian,S.D.,McCloskey,J.C., McDowell,J.,
            Pearson,R., Stantripop,S., Thomas,P.J., Touchman,J.W., Tsurgeon,C.,
            Vogt,J.L., Walker,M.A., Wetherby,K.D., Wiggins,L., Young,A.,
            Zhang,L.-H. and Green,E.D.
            Clone distribution: MGC clone distribution information can be found
            through the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium/LLNL at:
            Series: IRAK Plate: 69 Row: p Column: 21
            This clone was selected for full length sequencing because it
            passed the following selection criteria: matched mRNA gi: 6912531
            This clone has the following problem: no 5' EST match.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1138
                     /organism="synthetic construct"
                     /isolation_source="Homo sapiens; Eye, retinoblastoma"
                     /note="Vector: pCMV-SPORT6"
BASE COUNT          312 a          315 c          303 g          208 t
        1 ccacgcgtcc gcccacgcgt ccgcccacgc gtccgcacag gtcgttttac catgtctgga
       61 cgtggcaagc agggcggcaa ggctcgcgcc aaggccaaaa cccgctcctc tagagctggg
      121 ctccaatttc ctgtaggacg agtgcaccgc ctgctccgca agggcaacta cgctgagcgg
      181 gtcggggccg gcgcgccggt ttacctggcg gcggtgctgg agtacctaac tgccgagatc
      241 ctggagctgg cgggcaacgc agcccgcgac aacaaaaaga cccgcatcat cccgcgccac
      301 ttgcagctgg ccatccgcaa cgacgaggag ctcaacaagc tgcttggtaa agttaccatc
      361 gctcagggcg gtgttctgcc taacatccag gccgtactgc tccccaagaa gactgagagc
      421 caccacaaag ctaagggcaa gtaagggctg aactttaaaa atgtaaactt acaagacaaa
      481 aggctctttt cagagccacc caccatttct acggaagaac tgagcactct gttctccaaa
      541 cctatcagaa atttgtggcc gagttcaagc actgaggcca ttactttcct attgggtaaa
      601 ataaaagtat tgaatcaggc ctagtaaata ctatccaact gctaccttat aacatgaagg
      661 aacctcctta attgtcccct ccccacaaac tgtcctgggt ctttaaaaaa cttggggccg
      721 ggcgcggtgg tttatgcgtc cttagcattt tgggaaactg aggcaggtgg gtggggaggg
      781 gagaaatctc tagggacctg gagttcgaga ccaccctgat aacgagaccc ctgcctctta
      841 aaaaaaaaat gactgggcgc ggtggctcac gcctgtaatc ccagcacttt gggaggccga
      901 ggagggtgta tcacaaggtc aagagatcga gaccacccag gcaaacatgg tgaaaccctg
      961 tccctactaa aaacacaaaa attagccggg cgtggtggcg agcgctacta aggagacagg
     1021 caggagaatc gcttgaaccc aggaggcaga ggttgcagtg agccgagatc acgccactgc
     1081 actccagcct gggcgacaga gcgagactcc atctaaaaaa aagaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa