LOCUS       AL080173                2373 bp    mRNA    linear   HUM 15-OCT-2008
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434H071 (from clone DKFZp434H071);
            partial cds.
VERSION     AL080173.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 2373)
  AUTHORS   Poustka A., Klein M., Mewes H.W., Gassenhuber J., Wiemann S.
  JOURNAL   Submitted (16-JUN-1999) to the INSDC. MIPS, Am Klopferspitz 18a,
            D-82152 Martinsried, GERMANY
COMMENT     Clone from S. Wiemann, Molecular Genome Analysis, German Cancer
            Research Center (DKFZ); Email;
            sequenced by DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center,
            Heidelberg/Germany) within the cDNA sequencing consortium of
            the German Genome Project.
            This clone (DKFZp434H071) is available at the RZPD in Berlin.
            Please contact the RZPD: Ressourcenzentrum, Heubnerweg 6,
            14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg, GERMANY; Email:
            Further information about the clone and the sequencing project
            is available at
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..2373
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /clone_lib="434 (synonym: htes3). Vector pSport1; host
                     DH10B; sites NotI + SalI"
     CDS             <1..1352
                     /product="hypothetical protein"
                     /note="similarity to TIF1 (transcription intermediary
                     factor 1)"
     regulatory      2344..2349
     polyA_site      2363
BASE COUNT          840 a          368 c          467 g          698 t
        1 ggagaattat tgacccagag gacctaaaag ctttgctcaa agtgctgcat ctcagaggaa
       61 taagagaaaa ggcattacaa aaacaaattc agaaacattt ggattatatt actcaagcct
      121 gcctcaagaa taaggatgtt gctattattg aactgaatga aaatgaagaa aaccaagtaa
      181 ctcgagatat tgtggagaac tggtcagtag aagaacaagc aatggaaatg gatttgagtg
      241 tccttcaaca ggtagaagat ctagaaagga gagttgcatc agcaagtttg caagtgaagg
      301 gttggatgtg tccagagcct gcatcagaaa gggaggactt ggtatatttt gaacataaat
      361 catttactaa attgtgcaag gagcatgatg gagaatttac tggcgaagac gaaagcagtg
      421 cacatgcact agaacggaag agtgacaacc ccctagatat agctgtaacc aggctggctg
      481 atttggagcg gaacattgaa agaagaattg aagaggatat tgctccaggg ctcagggtat
      541 ggagaagggc attatcagaa gctcgcagtg ctgcacaggt agctctgtgc attcagcaat
      601 tacagaaatc aatagcatgg gaaaaatcaa ttatgaaagt ttactgccaa atctgtcgaa
      661 agggagataa tgaagaactg cttcttcttt gtgatggctg tgacaaaggc tgtcatacct
      721 actgccatag acccaagatt acaacaatcc cagatggaga ctggttttgt ccagcttgca
      781 ttgctaaggc aagtggtcaa actctaaaaa tcaaaaaact tcatgtcaaa ggaaaaaaga
      841 ctaatgagtc aaagaaaggc aagaaggtaa ctttaacagg agatactgaa gatgaagact
      901 ctgcatctac aagtagttca ctaaaaagag gaaacaaaga cctcaagaaa agaaaaatgg
      961 aggaaaacac ttctattaac ttgtcaaaac aagaaagttt tacttcagtt aagaaaccta
     1021 aaagagatga ctccaaggac ctagctcttt gcagtatgat tctgactgaa atggaaactc
     1081 atgaggatgc atggcctttt ctacttcctg taaacttgaa acttgttcct ggttataaga
     1141 aagttattaa gaagcctatg gatttttcca caattagaga gaaactaagt agtggacagt
     1201 atccaaacct tgaaaccttt gctctagatg tcaggcttgt ttttgacaac tgtgaaacat
     1261 ttaatgaaga tgattctgat ataggcagag ctggccacaa tatgaggaag tattttgaaa
     1321 aaaagtggac agatactttc aaagtgagct gaagttataa taatctcttt atttttttcc
     1381 ttctaaacaa ggacaaatga gaccagcaat gtgaactgta tttacataaa cgtgcaaggc
     1441 acatacataa tgactttctt tttccttaag tataaaaaaa aagtatcaga agaatgatac
     1501 catttttaaa ggcttcattc ctacaacaac caaggccctc ggttattggt ttgtgtgatt
     1561 tatcagctaa tttaggtaga acagggaagc acacccaaag aattttcaaa ggaaagggtg
     1621 ttatagtgca atagcaatta aaatatatca aatcgcactg aatactcaac accagagctc
     1681 taatgtggga aatggttctc ctttccctct caataaatat ctatttttca tttttttact
     1741 ttgtagttta ttttttagtg aatgtattta attttatgaa ttatttatga ttaaaccaca
     1801 tccagaatct tcgttttctg tgaaaaggaa gaactagaaa attgctttaa atcttgaaaa
     1861 tacaaggaat gttttaaaat ataaaacaaa gccaagttaa actgtttaca ctgatgtgct
     1921 ataaaagcac caaaaagaaa ctttactgta gagttacaag tacatttata tatatatgtt
     1981 gctgcatcac ttgtgtagtt aaattgtatt tcaaaacagt gaaaaaattg acatgtatat
     2041 actgttcatt cttgtttata ttaagtcttg ttttaaatat gtattatgtg tatatattgt
     2101 ttgcagacat tattgttcat gccttagagg attgtagcat tttattttcg tctgaaggta
     2161 atgatagcta tacagtctgt acagtaatta tcctctacca acactgtggc gtctccttaa
     2221 tcttggtagt gcctgccttt gaaacagggt gtaggggata ttagttttcc atttttctat
     2281 tttgttatat aattttaagc caccagggcc taaattaaag tataatcatt tgtatccatg
     2341 tggaataaaa ttgtgacaat ttcaaaaaaa aaa