LOCUS       AK295591                1052 bp    mRNA    linear   HUM 21-JAN-2009
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ55066 complete cds, highly similar to
            LAS1-like protein.
VERSION     AK295591.1
KEYWORDS    FLI_CDNA; oligo capping.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1052)
  AUTHORS   Isogai,T. and Yamamoto,J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (09-OCT-2007) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.
            Contact:Takao Isogai
            Reverse Proteomics Research Institute; 1-9-11 Kaji-cho,
            Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0044, Japan
  AUTHORS   Wakamatsu,A., Yamamoto,J., Kimura,K., Ishii,S., Watanabe,K.,
            Sugiyama,A., Murakawa,K., Kaida,T., Tsuchiya,K., Fukuzumi,Y.,
            Kumagai,A., Oishi,Y., Yamamoto,S., Ono,Y., Komori,Y., Yamazaki,M.,
            Kisu,Y., Nishikawa,T., Sugano,S., Nomura,N. and Isogai,T.
  TITLE     NEDO human cDNA sequencing project focused on splicing variants
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (2007)
COMMENT     Human cDNA sequencing project focused on splicing variants of mRNA
            in NEDO functional analysis of protein and research application
            project supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
            Japan; cDNA selection for complete cds sequencing: Reverse
            Proteomics Research Institute (REPRORI), Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
            (Hitachi) and Japan Biological Informatics Consortium, Japan
            (JBIC); cDNA complete cds sequencing: JBIC; cDNA library
            construction: Helix Research Institute supported by Japan Key
            Technology Center, Japan (HRI); cDNA 5'- & 3'-end sequencing:
            Research Association for Biotechnology, Japan, Biotechnology
            Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan and
            HRI; cDNA mapping to human genome: Central Research Laboratory,
            Hitachi; evaluation and annotation: REPRORI.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1052
                     /note="cloning vector: pME18SFL3"
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     CDS             42..635
                     /note="highly similar to LAS1-like protein"
BASE COUNT          206 a          311 c          292 g          243 t
        1 gtgcggagcg gcgcggcaca gagcctgttg ttgagctcag tatgtcgtgg gaatccgggg
       61 ccgggccagg tctaggttcc caggggatgg atctcgtgtg gagtgcgtgg tacggaaagt
      121 gcgttaaagg gaaagggtcg ttgccactct cggcccacgg catcgtggtc gcctggctca
      181 gcagggccga gtgggaccag gtgacggttt atctgttctg tgacgaccat aagttgcagc
      241 ggtacgcgct taaccgcatc acggtgtgga ggagcaggtc aggcaacgaa ctccctctgg
      301 cagtggcttc tactgctgac ctgatacgct gtaagctctt ggatgtaact ggtggcttgg
      361 gcactgatga acttagactg ctctatggca tggcattggt caggtttgtg aatcttatct
      421 cagagaggaa gacaaagttt gccaaggtcc ccctcaagtg tctggctctc tcaggacgga
      481 atgctcgccg attttctgca ggccagtggg aagcaagaag gggctggagg ctgttcaact
      541 gctccgcctc ccttgactgg ccccggatgg ttgagtcctg cttgggctca ccttgctggg
      601 ccagccccca actccttcgg atcccgggta gctgagctct gctggagaaa accacatagc
      661 cctgcggatt gctgccactg cagagcttcc tcgagcacat ggaggcatcc ggcagggccc
      721 cctcgacctg aggtccagcc ctcgtgaact gatctgcggc tgcactcaac cttctcgcca
      781 gtctcaggat gaggtggcct tgccccacct caaagcctgc tcctccacct gtgctctgga
      841 gccacctctg ccagcatcgc tggggcctca ccccagcctc taccttgctc tgctggctct
      901 tgctcttcaa cctaggaacg tgcctgagct tttctcatct taaacaaaac aacaataaca
      961 gcaacacaag caaaatctcc tttgaccctg catccctctg ttgggttatc atcagcttat
     1021 cattcccacc cttcccatca aaacatctca aa