LOCUS       AK291490                1280 bp    mRNA    linear   HUM 09-JAN-2008
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ77311 complete cds, highly similar to Homo
            sapiens cell division cycle associated 5 (CDCA5), mRNA.
VERSION     AK291490.1
KEYWORDS    FLI_CDNA; oligo capping.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1280)
  AUTHORS   Isogai,T. and Yamamoto,J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (09-OCT-2007) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.
            Contact:Takao Isogai
            Reverse Proteomics Research Institute; 1-9-11 Kaji-cho,
            Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0044, Japan
  AUTHORS   Wakamatsu,A., Yamamoto,J., Kimura,K., Ishii,S., Watanabe,K.,
            Sugiyama,A., Murakawa,K., Kaida,T., Tsuchiya,K., Fukuzumi,Y.,
            Kumagai,A., Oishi,Y., Yamamoto,S., Ono,Y., Komori,Y., Yamazaki,M.,
            Kisu,Y., Nishikawa,T., Sugano,S., Nomura,N. and Isogai,T.
  TITLE     NEDO human cDNA sequencing project
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (2007)
COMMENT     Human cDNA sequencing project focused on splicing variants of mRNA
            in NEDO functional analysis of protein and research application
            project supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
            Japan; cDNA selection for complete cds sequencing: Reverse
            Proteomics Research Institute (REPRORI), Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
            (Hitachi) and Japan Biological Informatics Consortium, Japan
            (JBIC); cDNA complete cds sequencing: JBIC; cDNA library
            construction: Helix Research Institute supported by Japan Key
            Technology Center, Japan (HRI); cDNA 5'- & 3'-end sequencing:
            Research Association for Biotechnology, Japan, Biotechnology
            Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan and
            HRI; cDNA mapping to human genome: Central Research Laboratory,
            Hitachi; evaluation and annotation: REPRORI.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1280
                     /note="cloning vector: pME18SFL3"
                     /note="tumor tissue"
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /tissue_type="ovary, tumor tissue"
     CDS             90..848
                     /note="highly similar to Homo sapiens cell division cycle
                     associated 5 (CDCA5), mRNA"
BASE COUNT          253 a          377 c          388 g          262 t
        1 aattcgaacg ttttttgcag cgagtggcct tcccggttgg cgcgcgcccg gggcggcggc
       61 gctggaggag ctcgagacgg agcctagtta tgtctgggag gcgaacgcgg tccggaggag
      121 ccgctcagcg ctccgggcca agggccccat ctcctactaa gcctctgcgg aggtcccagc
      181 ggaaatcagg ctctgaactc ccgagcatcc tccctgaaat ctggccgaag acacccagtg
      241 cggctgcagt cagaaagccc atcgtcttaa agaggatcgt ggcccatgct gtagaggtcc
      301 cagctgtcca atcacctcgc aggagcccta ggatttcctt tttcttggag aaagaaaacg
      361 agccccctgg cagggagctt actaaggagg accttttcaa gacacacagc gtccctgcca
      421 cccccaccag cactcctgtg ccgaaccctg aggccgagtc cagctccaag gaaggagagc
      481 tggacgccag agacttggaa atgtctaaga aagtcaggcg ttcctacagc cggctggaga
      541 ccctgggctc tgcctctacc tccaccccag gccgccggtc ctgctttggc ttcgaggggc
      601 tgctgggggc agaggacttg tccggagtct cgccagtggt gtgctccaaa ctcaccgagg
      661 tccccagggt ttgtgcaaag ccctgggccc cagacatgac tctccctgga atctccccac
      721 cacccgagaa acagaaacgt aagaagaaga aaatgccaga gatcttgaaa acggagctgg
      781 atgagtgggc tgcggccatg aatgccgagt ttgaagctgc tgagcagttt gatctcctgg
      841 ttgaatgaga tgcagtgggg ggtgcacctg gccagactct ccctcctgtc ctgtacatag
      901 ccacctccct gtggagagga cacttagggt cccctcccct ggtcttgtta cctgtgtgtg
      961 tgctggtgct gcgcatgagg actgtctgcc tttgagggct tgggcagcag cggcagccat
     1021 cttggtttta ggaaatgggg ccgcctggcc cagccactca ctggtgtcct gtctcttgtc
     1081 gtcctgtcct tcctatctcc ccaaagtacc atagccagtt tccagatggg ccacagactg
     1141 gggaggagaa tcagtggccc agccagaagt taaagggctg agggttgagg tgagaggcac
     1201 ctctgctctt gttgggaggg gtggctgctt ggaaataggc ccaggggctc tgccagcctc
     1261 ggcctctccc tcctgagttg