LOCUS       HUMYX29D10               687 bp    mRNA    linear   HUM 04-SEP-1998
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens full length insert cDNA clone YX29D10.
VERSION     AF087989.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 687)
  AUTHORS   Woessner,J., Tan,F., Marra,M., Kucaba,T., Yandell,M., Martin,J.,
            Marth,G., Bowles,L., Wylie,T., Bowers,Y., Steptoe,M., Theising,B.,
            Geisel,S., Allen,M., Underwood,K., Chappell,J., Person,B.,
            Gibbons,M., Harvey,N., Pape,D., Chamberlain,A., Morales,R.,
            Schurk,R., Ritter,E., Kohn,S., Swaller,T., Behymer,K., Hillier,L.,
            Wilson,R. and Waterston,R.
  TITLE     Full Clone Sequencing of the Longest Available Member from Each
            Unigene Cluster
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 687)
  AUTHORS   Waterston,R.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (30-AUG-1998) Department of Genetics, Washington
            University, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63108, USA
            Genome Sequencing Center
            Department of Genetics
            Washington University
            St. Louis MO 63108, USA
            NOTICE:  This sequence represents the full insert of this cDNA.  No
            attempt has been made to verify whether this corresponds to the
            full-length of the original mRNA from which it was derived.  We
            have tried to obtain double-stranded, or double chemistry sequence
            across the entire clone, but potentially, there are areas in the
            sequence where this level of coverage was not achieved.
            Nevertheless, we are confident of the accuracy of this sequence as
            all regions of low quality, as defined by PHRAP (P. Green, in
            preparation), were visually inspected and edited accordingly.  The
            consensus quality values for this sequence have been submitted
            The location of this clone is unknown.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..687
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     repeat_region   20..69
     repeat_region   71..210
     repeat_region   224..296
     repeat_region   303..585
BASE COUNT          209 a          141 c          159 g          178 t
        1 agcaattctc ctgcctctcc ttaaaacatc tcggtgtttg tccgagatga cggtgctcct
       61 cctcaatcaa ccaccacacc tggccaatat tttgtagaga tggggttttc ccatgttgcc
      121 caggctggtc tcaaactcct gggctcaagt gatttgcccg cctcagcctc ccaaaatgct
      181 ggattacagg tgtgagctac tgcacctggc acagattttt taaaagatca aattaggtac
      241 taggtataaa gcatttaaac tgtgtcaggc acattttaag tgctcagtag atagtgctgg
      301 taggctggct atagtagctc acgcctctaa tctcagcatt ttgagaggct gaggcaggag
      361 gatcacttga gctcaaaagt tcaagcccag cctgggcaac atagcaagac cttgtctcta
      421 ctaaaaataa aaaataaatt agctgggcat caggcatcgt gcacaatcct gtactcccgg
      481 ctacttgtga ggccgaggta ggaggattgt ttgagcctgg gaggtcaagg ctgcagtaag
      541 ctatgattgc accactgcat cctggttgac agagcaagat tctgtaagta agtaaataaa
      601 ataaataaat aaataaataa atatagcaag ctggtttgga gtgaggaata ttaatagttg
      661 tgttaaggaa agaaaagaaa aaaaaaa