LOCUS       PSEHUTR                 1604 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 26-APR-1993
DEFINITION  P.putida histidine utilization genes repressor protein (hut) gene,
            complete cds.
VERSION     M33922.1
KEYWORDS    histidine utilization genes repressor protein.
SOURCE      Pseudomonas putida
  ORGANISM  Pseudomonas putida
            Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadales;
            Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1604)
  AUTHORS   Allison,S.L. and Phillips,A.T.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the repressor for the
            histidine utilization genes of Pseudomonas putida
  JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 172 (9), 5470-5476 (1990)
   PUBMED   2203753
COMMENT     Original source text: P.putida (ATCC 12633) DNA.
            Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Bacteriol.
            (1990) In press] kindly submitted
            by A.T.Phillips, 26-APR-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1604
                     /organism="Pseudomonas putida"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     misc_feature    82..95
                     /note="operator site"
     regulatory      94..122
                     /note="promoter (put.); putative"
     CDS             167..913
                     /note="histidine utilization genes repressor protein
     regulatory      894..898
                     /note="ribosomal binding site (put.); putative"
     CDS             910..1482
                     /note="protein of unknown function"
     regulatory      1516..1543
                     /note="transcription termination signal"
BASE COUNT          295 a          484 c          513 g          312 t
        1 ggacatggct ggcccagccc gtaggcaaca gagcgcgttc ggcgaagtag gcggacatcg
       61 gtcaaatcct gttattgtta acttgtatat acatatacag gcgtttgcct gccgggtaaa
      121 ctgcggcaag ctaccgttca ttccctatgc acaaggatcc aacgccgtgc cgacacctcc
      181 tgtctccgcg ctggttgccc agatgggcga gggcccggcg ccgctgtatg cccgggtcaa
      241 acagatgatc atccagcaga tcgacaacgg cagctggccg ccgcatcacc gggtcccctc
      301 ggagagtgaa ctggtcaacg agctaggctt cagccgcatg accatcaacc gtgccctgcg
      361 cgaactcacg gccgacggcc tgctggtgcg catgcagggg gtcggcacgt tcgtagccga
      421 gccaaagggc cgttcggcgt tgttcgaagt caacaacatt gccgatgaaa ttgccgcgcg
      481 cggccatcag catagctgcc aggtgatcac gctcaccgag gaagcagccg gttccgaacg
      541 ggccctggcc ctggacatgc gtgaaggcca gcgggtgttc cactcgctga tcgtgcattt
      601 cgagaacggc gtgccggtgc agatcgagga ccgctacgtc aacgccgcga tcgcacccga
      661 ctacctcaag caggatttca cccggcagac gccatatgcc tacctgtccc aggtagcgcc
      721 gctgaccgag ggtgagcacg tggtcgaagc catcctggcc gagccggaag aatgccgcct
      781 gctgcagatc gagcggggcg aaccttgcct gctgatccgc cgtcgtactt ggtccggccg
      841 ccagccggta accgcggcgc ggctgatcca ccccggttcc cgtcatcgcc tggaaggacg
      901 tttcagcaaa tgagccagct gcagttgttg cgcgcacagg attacccgcg catgccgtgg
      961 aagaacggtg gcggtttcac cgaagagatc acccgcgaca gtggagaggg cctggacggc
     1021 tttggctggc gcctgtcgat tgccgatatc gaagagtctg gcggcttttc caccttcgcc
     1081 ggttaccagc ggatcatcac cgtgctgcag ggcgatggca tgcgcctgtt ggtcgatggc
     1141 cagcccagcc ggccgttgct gccgttcgat gcctttgcct tcagcggcga aagccaggtc
     1201 agctgcaagc tgctgggtgg ggcgatccgc gatttcaacc tgatctatgc accgcaacgg
     1261 taccgggcga ggttgcagtg gtttgatggc acgagccgtt tgtacagctc ggcgtcgaca
     1321 gtgctgttgt ttgctgccag cagtcacgtg gaagtgtcca tggcggggcg tgaggtgcag
     1381 cggttggggt tgtatgactg cctgcggctg gagggcaacg atgagttgct tgggctggaa
     1441 gttcaggggc ggttttgctt gattgagctc atttctcgct gatgggcttg gcgatacatt
     1501 ttcatcgcct gtgagatcga gcgccgcgcg ggcggcgctc gatttgcgcg ccgccgcaaa
     1561 actcaagccg gaccgacgct cgcttcaccc ccccaaaaaa aatc