LOCUS       M14604                   504 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 22-JUN-1999
DEFINITION  Pseudomonas fragi lipase precursor, gene, complete cds.
VERSION     M14604.1
KEYWORDS    lipase.
SOURCE      Pseudomonas fragi
  ORGANISM  Pseudomonas fragi
            Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadales;
            Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 504)
  AUTHORS   Kugimiya,W., Otani,Y., Hashimoto,Y. and Takagi,Y.
  TITLE     Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of the lipase gene from
            Pseudomonas fragi
  JOURNAL   Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 141 (1), 185-190 (1986)
   PUBMED   3800995
COMMENT     Draft entry and printed copy of sequence [1] kindly provided by
            W.Kugimiya, 02-MAR-1987.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..504
                     /organism="Pseudomonas fragi"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /strain="IFO 3458"
                     /type_material="type strain of Pseudomonas fragi"
     CDS             49..456
                     /product="lipase precursor"
     sig_peptide     49..102
     mat_peptide     103..453
BASE COUNT          104 a          162 c          135 g          103 t
        1 aagcttggct gcaggtcgac ggatcaaaaa caccctgcga gattgaacat ggacgattcg
       61 gtaaatacac gctatccgat cttattggta cacggccttt ttggattcga ccggataggc
      121 tcgcatcact actttcatgg tatcaagcaa gcactcaatg agtgcggtgc cagcgtcttc
      181 gttccaatca tttcagccgc caacgacaat gaagcccgag gcgatcaact gctcaagcag
      241 atccacaacc tgcgcaggca ggtcggtgca cagcgtgtca acctgatcgg ccacagccag
      301 ggcgccctta ccgcgcgtta tgtggcggcc atcgcccctg aactgatcgc ctcggtgacg
      361 tcagtcagtg gccccaacca cggctccgag ctggccgatc gttgcgcctg gcctttgtcc
      421 cggggaggct tggcgaaacg gtggctgccg ccctgaccac ctcgttcagc gcatttttat
      481 ccgccctcag ggccacaccc gcgc