LOCUS       SYN9KIL                  138 bp    DNA     linear   SYN 27-APR-1993
DEFINITION  Plasmid pMB9 kil gene.
VERSION     M13468.1
SOURCE      unidentified cloning vector
  ORGANISM  unidentified cloning vector
            other sequences; artificial sequences; vectors.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 138)
  AUTHORS   Kobayashi,T., Kato,C., Kudo,T. and Horikoshi,K.
  TITLE     Excretion of the penicillinase of an alkalophilic Bacillus sp.
            through the Escherichia coli outer membrane is caused by
            insertional activation of the kil gene in plasmid pMB9
  JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 166 (3), 728-732 (1986)
   PUBMED   3011739
COMMENT     Original source text: Plasmid pMB9 DNA.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..138
                     /organism="unidentified cloning vector"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     CDS             1..138
                     /note="kil gene peptide"
BASE COUNT           35 a           28 c           36 g           39 t
        1 atgaggaaaa gattttttgt gggaatattc gcgataaacc tccttgttgg atgtcaggct
       61 aactatatac gtgatgttca gggagggacc atcgcaccat cctcctcttc taaactgacg
      121 gggatcgcgg ttcagtag