LOCUS       AJ308514                 390 bp    DNA     linear   SYN 05-JUN-2003
DEFINITION  Synthetic construct for E35S promotor/plant junction region.
VERSION     AJ308514.1
KEYWORDS    junction region; promoter.
SOURCE      synthetic construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic construct
            other sequences; artificial sequences.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 390)
  AUTHORS   Windels P.
  JOURNAL   Submitted (13-FEB-2001) to the INSDC. Windels P., Department for
            Plant Genetics and Breeding, Centre for Agricultural Research,
            Caritasstraat 21, 9090 Melle, BELGIUM.
  AUTHORS   Windels P., Taverniers I., Depicker A., Van Bockstaele E.,
            De Loose M.
  TITLE     Characterisation of the Roundup Ready soybean insert
  JOURNAL   Eur. Food Res. Technol. 2(13), 107-112(2001).
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..390
                     /organism="synthetic construct"
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
                     /cell_line="GTS line 40-3-2"
     source          1..209
                     /organism="Cauliflower mosaic virus"
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
     source          210..390
                     /organism="Glycine max"
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
     regulatory      complement(<1..>209)
                     /note="E35S promotor"
BASE COUNT          106 a           72 c           81 g          131 t
        1 gatagtggga ttgtgcgtca tcccttacgt cagtggagat atcacatcaa tccacttgct
       61 ttgaagacgt ggttggaacg tcttcttttt ccacgtgctc ctcgtgggtg ggggtccatc
      121 tttgggacca ctgtcggcag aggcatcttc aacgatggcc tttcctttat cgcaatgatg
      181 gcatttgtag gagccacctt ccttttccat ttgggttccc tatgtttatt ttaacctgta
      241 tgtatgatct tattttgaat gaaatgcaat aagttatttc tagtaaaaaa aaataaacat
      301 ttgatagaaa caaattaaag catgcaaaaa taactcatta gcatcggtta aattgaaggg
      361 tttgaataat ttgcacaagg ttctgaattc