LOCUS       AJ279242                 488 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 14-NOV-2006
DEFINITION  Pseudomonas cichorii internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), tRNA-Ile
            gene and tRNA-Ala gene, strain DSM 50259.
VERSION     AJ279242.1
KEYWORDS    internal transcribed spacer 1; ITS1; tRNA-Ala gene; tRNA-Ile gene.
SOURCE      Pseudomonas cichorii
  ORGANISM  Pseudomonas cichorii
            Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadales;
            Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 488)
  AUTHORS   Bennasar A.
  JOURNAL   Submitted (16-DEC-1999) to the INSDC. Bennasar A., Division of
            Microbiology, National Research Centre for Biotechnology,
            Mascheroder Weg 1, D-38124 Braunschweig, GERMANY.
  AUTHORS   Guasp C., Moore E.R.B., Lalucat J., Bennasar A.
  TITLE     Utility of internally-transcribed 16S-23S rDNA spacer regions for
            the definition of Pseudomonas stutzeri genomovars and other
            Pseudomonas species
  JOURNAL   Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 50, 1629-1639(2000).
   PUBMED   10939670
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..488
                     /organism="Pseudomonas cichorii"
                     /strain="DSM 50259 - Type Strain"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     misc_feature    1..488
                     /note="internal transcribed spacer 1, ITS1"
     tRNA            67..143
     tRNA            152..226
BASE COUNT          123 a          103 c          126 g          136 t
        1 aatcgacgac ttcagcttca ccataagctc ccacacgaat tgcttgattc attgaagaag
       61 acgattgggt ctgtagctca gttggttaga gcgcacccct gataagggtg aggtcggcag
      121 ttcgaatctg cccagaccca ccaattgttt ggggccatag ctcagctggg agagcgcctg
      181 ccttgcacgc aggaggtcag cggttcgatc ccgcttggct ccaccacctc atgtcaaagc
      241 ttagaaatga gcattccacc gaaacggtgc gtgaatgttg atttctgatc tttatcagaa
      301 tcgttcttta aaaatttggg tatgtaatag aagttagact ggaccgcact ttcactggtg
      361 tgtgttcagg ctaaggtaaa atttgtgagt gaattaccag attgcttggg gttatatggt
      421 caagtgaaga aggcaaattt tcggcgaatg tcgtcttcac agtataacca gattgcttgg
      481 ggttatat