LOCUS AY450383 705 bp DNA linear VRT 26-JUL-2016 DEFINITION Gymnogobius castaneus isolate G33 cytochrome b (cytb) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial. ACCESSION AY450383 VERSION AY450383.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE mitochondrion Gymnogobius castaneus ORGANISM Gymnogobius castaneus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Neoteleostei; Acanthomorphata; Gobiaria; Gobiiformes; Gobioidei; Gobiidae; Gobionellinae; Gymnogobius. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 705) AUTHORS Sota,T., Mukai,T., Shinozaki,T., Sato,H. and Yodoe,K. TITLE Genetic differentiation of the gobies Gymnogobius castaneus and G. taranetzi in the region surrounding the sea of Japan as inferred from a mitochondrial gene genealogy JOURNAL Zool. Sci. 22 (1), 87-93 (2005) PUBMED 15684588 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 705) AUTHORS Sota,T., Mukai,T. and Yodoe,K. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (26-OCT-2003) Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-Cho, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..705 /organism="Gymnogobius castaneus" /organelle="mitochondrion" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /isolate="G33" /db_xref="taxon:255296" /country="Japan: Yuza, Yamagata" gene <1..>705 /gene="cytb" CDS <1..>705 /gene="cytb" /codon_start=1 /transl_table=2 /product="cytochrome b" /protein_id="AAR22904.1" /translation="AAVPYVGGTLVQWIWGGFSVDNATLTRFFAFHFLLPFVILAATM LHLLFLHETGSNNPAGLNSNADKIPFHPYFSYKDLLGFALMLLALASLALFSPNYLGD PDNFIPANPLVTPPHIKPEWYFLFAYAILRSIPNKLGGVLALLASILILLLVPLLHTS KQRTLTFRPISQFLFWVLVADVLILTWIGGMPVEHPYIIIGQIASLIYFSIFLGFFPM AGWLENKLLKMSCTSSS" BASE COUNT 154 a 205 c 105 g 241 t ORIGIN 1 gctgcggtcc cctatgtagg aggcaccctt gttcaatgaa tttgaggggg cttttcagta 61 gacaatgcca ccctcacacg cttctttgca ttccacttcc tcctcccatt tgttattctt 121 gccgctacta tacttcacct tcttttttta catgaaactg gctcaaataa cccagctggc 181 ttgaactcaa acgcagataa aattcctttc cacccctact tttcctacaa ggacctgctt 241 ggttttgcac ttatgctctt ggcccttgcc tctctagcat tattctcacc taattacctt 301 ggggacccag acaactttat tcctgcaaac cctcttgtta ctccacccca cattaagcca 361 gagtgatatt tcctctttgc ttatgcaatt cttcgttcca ttcccaacaa attagggggt 421 gtactggccc ttcttgcctc gatcttaatc ctcctcttgg ttcccctcct tcacacatct 481 aaacaacgca ctttaacttt ccgccctatc tctcaatttc tcttctgagt cctcgtagca 541 gatgtgctca ttcttacatg aattgggggc atgcctgttg aacacccata cattattatt 601 ggtcaaattg catcccttat ttatttttcc atctttcttg gtttcttccc tatagccgga 661 tgactggaga ataaacttct caaaataagt tgcactagta gctca //