LOCUS       CPVWPV                  1468 bp    DNA     linear   VRL 02-AUG-1993
DEFINITION  Cowpox virus white-pock variant (CPV-W2) (crmA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     M14217.1
SOURCE      Cowpox virus
  ORGANISM  Cowpox virus
            Viruses; Varidnaviria; Bamfordvirae; Nucleocytoviricota;
            Pokkesviricetes; Chitovirales; Poxviridae; Chordopoxvirinae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1468)
  AUTHORS   Pickup,D.J., Ink,B.S., Hu,W., Ray,C.A. and Joklik,W.K.
  TITLE     Hemorrhage in lesions caused by cowpox virus is induced by a viral
            protein that is related to plasma protein inhibitors of serine
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83 (20), 7698-7702 (1986)
   PUBMED   3532120
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1468)
  AUTHORS   Ink,B.S. and Pickup,D.J.
  TITLE     Transcription of a poxvirus early gene is regulated both by a short
            promoter element and by a transcriptional termination signal
            controlling transcriptional interference
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 63 (11), 4632-4644 (1989)
   PUBMED   2795715
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1468)
  AUTHORS   Palumbo,G.J., Pickup,D.J., Fredrickson,T.N., McIntyre,L.J. and
  TITLE     Inhibition of an inflammatory response is mediated by a 38-kDa
            protein of cowpox virus
  JOURNAL   Virology 172 (1), 262-273 (1989)
   PUBMED   2773318
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 1468)
  AUTHORS   Ray,C.A., Black,R.A., Kronheim,S.R., Greenstreet,T.A., Sleath,P.R.,
            Salvesen,G.S. and Pickup,D.J.
  TITLE     Viral inhibition of inflammation: cowpox virus encodes an inhibitor
            of the interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme
  JOURNAL   Cell 69 (4), 597-604 (1992)
   PUBMED   1339309
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 1468)
  AUTHORS   Palumbo,G.J., Glasgow,W.C. and Buller,R.M.
  TITLE     Poxvirus-induced alteration of arachidonate metabolism
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90 (5), 2020-2024 (1993)
   PUBMED   8383332
COMMENT     Original source text: Cowpox virus (strain W2), DNA.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1468
                     /organism="Cowpox virus"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     gene            295..1320
     CDS             295..1320
                     /product="early protein"
BASE COUNT          493 a          231 c          287 g          457 t
        1 tccatggaag aacgaaagta gtataaaagt aataaaacaa aaaaaagaat ataaaaaatt
       61 tatagccact ttctttgagg actgttttcc tgaaggaaat gaacctctgg aattagttag
      121 atatatagaa ttagtataca cgctagatta ttctcaaact cctaattatg acagactacg
      181 tagactgttt atacaagatt gaaaatatat ttctttttat tgagtggtgg tagttacgga
      241 tatctaatat taatattaga ctatctctat cgtcacacaa caaaatcgat tgccatggat
      301 atcttcaggg aaatcgcatc ttctatgaaa ggagagaatg tattcatttc tccaccgtca
      361 atctcgtcag tattgacaat actgtattat ggagctaatg gatccactgc tgaacagcta
      421 tcaaaatatg tagaaaagga ggcggacaag aataaggatg atatctcatt caagtccatg
      481 aataaagtat atgggcgata ttctgcagtg tttaaagatt cctttttgag aaaaattgga
      541 gataatttcc aaactgttga cttcactgat tgtcgcactg tagatgcgat caacaagtgt
      601 gttgatatct tcactgaggg gaaaattaat ccactattgg atgaaccatt gtctccagat
      661 acctgtctcc tagcaattag tgccgtatac tttaaagcaa aatggttgat gccatttgaa
      721 aaggaattta ccagtgatta tcccttttac gtatctccaa cggaaatggt agatgtaagt
      781 atgatgtcta tgtacggcga ggcatttaat cacgcatctg taaaagaatc attcggcaac
      841 ttttcaatca tagaactgcc atatgttgga gatactagta tggtggtaat tcttccagac
      901 aatattgatg gactagaatc catagaacaa aatctaacag atacaaattt taagaaatgg
      961 tgtgactcta tggatgctat gtttatcgat gtgcacattc ccaagtttaa ggtaacaggc
     1021 tcgtataatc tggtggatgc gctagtaaag ttgggactga cagaggtgtt cggttcaact
     1081 ggagattata gcaatatgtg taattcagat gtgagtgtcg acgctatgat ccacaaaacg
     1141 tatatagatg tcaatgaaga gtatacagaa gcagctgcag caacttgtgc gctggtggca
     1201 gactgtgcat caacagttac aaatgagttc tgtgcagatc atccgttcat ctatgtgatt
     1261 aggcatgtcg atggcaaaat tcttttcgtt ggtagatatt gctctccaac aactaattaa
     1321 atcacattct taatattaga atattagaat attatatagt taagattttt actaattggt
     1381 taaccatttt tttaaaaaaa tagaaaaaaa acatgttata ttagcgaggg tcgttattct
     1441 tccaattgca attggtaaga tgacggcc