LOCUS LC438388 750 bp RNA linear VRL 18-MAY-2019 DEFINITION Rotavirus A RVA/Human-tc/JPN/KU/1974/G1P[8] NSP4 gene for non-structural protein NSP4, complete cds. ACCESSION LC438388 VERSION LC438388.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Rotavirus A ORGANISM Rotavirus A Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Duplornaviricota; Resentoviricetes; Reovirales; Sedoreoviridae; Rotavirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 750) AUTHORS Komoto,S., Fukuda,S. and Taniguchi,K. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (09-DEC-2018) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Satoshi Komoto Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Department of Virology and Parasitology; 1-98 Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1192, Japan URL : REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Komoto,S., Fukuda,S., Kugita,M., Hatazawa,R., Koyama,C., Katayama,K., Murata,T. and Taniguchi,K. TITLE Generation of Infectious Recombinant Human Rotaviruses from Just 11 Cloned cDNAs Encoding the Rotavirus Genome JOURNAL J. Virol. 93, e02207-18 (2019) REMARK DOI:10.1128/JVI.02207-18 COMMENT FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..750 /collection_date="1974" /country="Japan" /db_xref="taxon:28875" /host="Homo sapiens" /isolation_source="stool" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /note="genotypes: G1-P[8]-I1-R1-C1-M1-A1-N1-T1-E1-H1" /organism="Rotavirus A" /segment="10" /strain="RVA/Human-tc/JPN/KU/1974/G1P[8]" CDS 42..569 /codon_start=1 /gene="NSP4" /product="non-structural protein NSP4" /protein_id="BBH55856.1" /transl_table=1 /translation="MDKLADLNYTLSVITLMNDTLHSIIQDPGMAYFTYIASVLTVLF TLHKASIPTMKIALKTSKCSYKVIKYCIVTIINTLLKLAGYKEQVTTKDEIEQQMDRI VKEMRRQLEMIDKLTTREIEQVELLKSIHDNLITRSVDVIDMSKEFNQKNIKTLDEWE SGRNPYEPSEVTASM" BASE COUNT 248 a 131 c 164 g 207 t ORIGIN 1 ggcttttaaa agttctgttc cgagagagcg cgtgcggaaa aatggataag cttgccgacc 61 tcaactacac attgagtgta atcactctaa tgaatgacac attgcattct ataattcagg 121 atcctggaat ggcgtatttt acatatattg catctgttct aacagttttg ttcacattac 181 ataaagcttc aattccaacc atgaaaatag cattgaaaac atcaaaatgt tcatataaag 241 tgattaaata ttgtatagtc acgatcatta atactctttt aaaattggct ggatataaag 301 agcaggttac tactaaagac gaaattgagc aacagatgga tagaattgtt aaagagatga 361 gacgtcagct ggagatgatt gataaactaa ctactcgtga aattgaacag gttgaattgc 421 ttaaaagtat acatgacaac ttgataacta gatcagttga cgttatagat atgtcgaagg 481 agttcaatca gaaaaacatc aaaacgctag atgaatggga gagtggaagg aatccatatg 541 aaccgtcaga ggtgactgca tccatgtgag aggttgagtt accgttgtct gtcttcggaa 601 gcggcggaac tcttcaccgc aagccccatt ggacctgatg attgactgag aagccacagt 661 caatcatatc gcgtgtggct cagccttaat cccgtttaac caatccagcg agtgttggac 721 gttaatggaa ggaatggtct tagtgtgacc //