LOCUS LC269057 214 bp mRNA linear INV 26-SEP-2018 DEFINITION Coccinella septempunctata rp49 mRNA for ribosormal protein 49, partial cds. ACCESSION LC269057 VERSION LC269057.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Coccinella septempunctata (seven-spotted ladybird) ORGANISM Coccinella septempunctata Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Coleoptera; Polyphaga; Cucujiformia; Coccinelloidea; Coccinellidae; Coccinellinae; Coccinellini; Coccinella. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 214) AUTHORS Niimi,T. and Ando,T. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (08-MAY-2017) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Teruyuki Niimi National Institute for Basic Biology, Division of Evolutionary Developmental Biology; Nishigonaka 38, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, Japan URL : evolutionary_biology_and_biodiversity/niimi/index.html REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Ando,T., Matsuda,T., Goto,K., Hara,K., Ito,A., Hirata,J., Yatomi,J., Kajitani,R., Okuno,M., Yamaguchi,K., Kobayashi,M., Takano,T., Minakuchi,Y., Seki,M., Suzuki,Y., Yano,K., Itoh,T., Shigenobu,S., Toyoda,A. and Niimi,T. TITLE Repeated inversions within a pannier intron drive diversification of intraspecific colour patterns of ladybird beetles JOURNAL Nat Commun 9, 3843 (2018) REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-06116-1 COMMENT FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..214 /db_xref="taxon:41139" /mol_type="mRNA" /organism="Coccinella septempunctata" /tissue_type="pupal wing discs" CDS <1..>214 /codon_start=2 /gene="rp49" /product="ribosormal protein 49" /protein_id="BBD96108.1" /transl_table=1 /translation="QSDRYGKLKRNWRKPKGIDNRVRRRFKGQYLMPNIGYGSNANTR HMLPTGFKKVLVHNVKELEVLLMQNRK" BASE COUNT 76 a 40 c 49 g 49 t ORIGIN 1 ccaaagtgat cgttatggca agctgaagag aaactggcgt aaaccaaagg gtattgacaa 61 cagagtaaga cgtcgtttca agggacagta tttgatgcca aacatcggtt atggatcaaa 121 cgctaacacc aggcatatgc tacccactgg tttcaagaag gttttagtcc ataacgtcaa 181 agaattggaa gtccttttga tgcaaaacag aaaa //