LOCUS       KU232291                 667 bp    RNA     linear   VRL 10-FEB-2016
DEFINITION  Zika virus isolate 051ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds.
VERSION     KU232291.1
SOURCE      Zika virus
  ORGANISM  Zika virus
            Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes;
            Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Orthoflavivirus; Orthoflavivirus
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 667)
  AUTHORS   Pessoa,R. and Sanabani,S.
  TITLE     Investigation into an Outbreak of Dengue-like Illness in
            Pernambuco, Brazil Revealed a Co-circulation of Zika, Chikungunya,
            and Dengue Virus Type 1
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 667)
  AUTHORS   Pessoa,R. and Sanabani,S.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (03-DEC-2015) Virology, Instituto de Medicina Tropical,
            R. Doutor Eneias de Carvalho Aguiar, 470, Sao Paulo, SP 05403-000,
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..667
                     /organism="Zika virus"
                     /mol_type="genomic RNA"
                     /host="Homo sapiens"
                     /note="type: Asiatic"
     CDS             <1..>667
                     /product="NS5 protein"
BASE COUNT          209 a          124 c          195 g          139 t
        1 ttcttgaacg aggatcactg gatgggaaga gagaactcag gaggtggtgt tgaagggctg
       61 ggattacaaa aactcggata tgtcctagaa gagatgagtc gcataccagg aggaaggatg
      121 tatgcagatg acactgctgg ctgggacacc cgcatcagca ggtttgatct ggagaatgaa
      181 gctctagtca ccaaccaaat ggagaaaggg cacagggcct tggcattggc cataatcaag
      241 tacacatacc aaaacaaagt ggtaaaggtc cttagaccag ctgaaaaagg gaaaacagtt
      301 atggacatta tttcgagaca agaccaaagg gggagcggac aagttgtcac ttacgctctt
      361 aacacattta ccaacctagt ggtgcaactc attcggaata tggaggctga ggaagttcta
      421 gagatgcaag acttgtggct gctgcggagg tcagagaaag tgaccaactg gttgcagagc
      481 aacggatggg ataggctcaa acgaatggca gtcagtggag atgattgcgt tgtgaagcca
      541 attgatgata ggtttgcaca tgccctcagg ttcttgaatg atatgggaaa agttaggaag
      601 gacacacaag agtggaaacc ctcaactgga tgggacaact gggaagaagt tccgttttgc
      661 tcccacc