LOCUS       JX289960                 571 bp    DNA     linear   VRL 15-SEP-2012
DEFINITION  HIV-1 isolate MACS2-LN-5 from USA nef protein (nef) gene, partial
VERSION     JX289960.1
SOURCE      Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1)
  ORGANISM  Human immunodeficiency virus 1
            Viruses; Riboviria; Pararnavirae; Artverviricota; Revtraviricetes;
            Ortervirales; Retroviridae; Orthoretrovirinae; Lentivirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 571)
  AUTHORS   Gray,L., Cowley,D., Crespan,E., Welsh,C., Mackenzie,C.,
            Wesselingh,S., Gorry,P. and Churchill,M.J.
  TITLE     Reduced basal transcriptional activity of central nervous
            system-derived HIV-1 long terminal repeats
  JOURNAL   AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses (2012) In press
   PUBMED   22924643
  REMARK    Publication Status: Available-Online prior to print
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 571)
  AUTHORS   Gray,L.R., Cowley,D., Crespan,E., Welsh,C., Mackenzie,C.,
            Wesselingh,S.L., Gorry,P.R. and Churchill,M.J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (08-JUL-2012) Centre for Virology, Burnet Institute, 85
            Commercial Road, Melbourne, Victoria 3004, Australia
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..571
                     /organism="Human immunodeficiency virus 1"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /host="Homo sapiens"
     repeat_region   <1..>571
                     /note="3' long terminal repeat"
     gene            <1..332
     CDS             <1..332
                     /product="nef protein"
BASE COUNT          144 a          138 c          163 g          126 t
        1 tggaagggct aatttggtcc caaaaaagac aagatatcct tgatctgtgg gtctaccaca
       61 cacaaggctt cctccctgat tggcagtgct acacaccagg gccaggggtc agatatccac
      121 tgacctttgg atggtgcttc aagccagtac cagtggagcc agagaaggta gaagaggcca
      181 atgaaggaga gaacaactgc ttgttacacc ctatgagcca gcatgggatg gacgacccag
      241 agagagaagt gttaatgtgg aagtttgaca gccgcctagc acatcatcac atggcccgag
      301 agaagcatcc ggagtacttt aagaactgtt gacagcctac aagaactgct gacatcgagc
      361 tttctacaag ggactttccg ctggggactt tccaggggag gcgtggcctg ggcgggactg
      421 gggagtggcg agccctcaga tgctgcatat aagcagctgc tttttgcctg tactgggtct
      481 ctctggttag accagatctg agcctgggag ctctctggct gactagggaa cccactgctt
      541 aagcctcaat aaagcttgcc ttgagtgctt c