LOCUS       JO239979                 650 bp    mRNA    linear   TSA 11-JAN-2012
DEFINITION  TSA: Coleochaete sp. CFD corb_UMD_Coleochaete_c13710_c_s mRNA
VERSION     JO239979.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA51149
KEYWORDS    TSA; Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly.
SOURCE      Coleochaete sp. CFD
  ORGANISM  Coleochaete sp. CFD
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Coleochaetophyceae;
            Coleochaetales; Coleochaetaceae; Coleochaete.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 650)
  AUTHORS   Timme,R.E., Bachvaroff,T.R. and Delwiche,C.F.
  TITLE     Broad phylogenomic sampling and the sister lineage of land plants
  JOURNAL   PLoS ONE 7 (1), E29696 (2012)
   PUBMED   22253761
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 650)
  AUTHORS   Timme,R.E., Bachvaroff,T.R. and Delwiche,C.F.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (12-JUL-2011) Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics,
            University of Maryland, Bioscience Research Building, College Park,
            MD 20947, USA
COMMENT     Two-step clustering process: First, trimmed 454 reads were
            clustered with MIRA v.2.9.43 using 454 EST assembly specific
            parameters. Second, the raw Sanger reads were combined with the 454
            contigs + singleons (with quality scores) and were cleaned then
            clustered with CAP3 (100 bp plus 95 percent identity overlap).
            Assembly Method       :: MIRA v. 2.9.43; CAP3
            Sequencing Technology :: 454 GS FLX Titanium; Sanger
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..650
                     /organism="Coleochaete sp. CFD"
BASE COUNT          172 a          122 c          143 g          210 t
        1 gtgacatgga cactcctacc ccccatgtgg catgaccatc catcgacaac aatgtgtgac
       61 taaccgtaac ctaaggtaag gcgttagggt ttaggggtta gggtaaccca aataagggcc
      121 gattacacaa ttggttccaa ttcgtagtct tttctcgctc ttctttttgt ctctctagtt
      181 ttccttgtgc gttgctttca gtaagtggat gtagcacgct cttctacaaa tctctatgaa
      241 ggttggttca gcgacattca aggtgtcgtt gccaagctct tctatcaagg aggaggtctt
      301 atgaggaaat aagagttggg aatcttttgt ttcatgacca cgtttggttc ttgcacttct
      361 tagaatcatt tttagggtca tgtgtgttct taatattgca agctacaact cttttttccc
      421 ggtaggaagt tgatgtgcag ttttgttgcc ggtgtaagga ctatgacatg ggcaccatac
      481 gtcaatagaa tttatgcctt tgcttgttgc acmammaagt gaacgatgat cacgaattta
      541 cttactaagg tacttactaa tttacttact aaggttaaag cccaaaaaca agcttcaata
      601 gtgatagtca tacaagtgaa aaaaggttga tgagtatgca aggatgatat