LOCUS       FM210561                 444 bp    DNA     linear   VRL 24-NOV-2009
DEFINITION  Human Adenovirus 20 fibershaft.
VERSION     FM210561.1
SOURCE      Human adenovirus 20
  ORGANISM  Human adenovirus 20
            Viruses; Adenoviridae; Mastadenovirus; Human mastadenovirus D.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 444)
  AUTHORS   Darr S.
  JOURNAL   Submitted (10-SEP-2008) to the INSDC. Darr S., Institute of
            Virology, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1,
            Hannover, 30625, GERMANY.
  AUTHORS   Darr S., Madisch I., Hofmayer S., Rehren F., Heim A.
  TITLE     Phylogeny and primary structure analysis of fiber shafts of all
            human adenovirus types for rational design of adenoviral
            gene-therapy vectors
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 90(Pt 12), 2849-2854(2009).
   PUBMED   19656960
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..444
                     /organism="Human adenovirus 20"
                     /lab_host="A549 Human lung carcinoma cell line"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     CDS             <1..>444
                     /product="fiber protein"
BASE COUNT          150 a           65 c          109 g          120 t
        1 ggtgtccttt cgctaaaact ggctgatcca atcgccattg tcaatgggaa tgtttcactc
       61 aaggtgggag ggggaatcac tgtggaacaa gatagtggac agctaattgc gaatcctaag
      121 gctcccttgc aagttgcaaa tgacaaatta gagctttctt atgcatatcc atttgaaact
      181 agtgctaata aacttagttt aaaagtaggg caaggactaa aagtgttgga tgaaaaagat
      241 tctggaggat tgcaaaattt acttggcaaa cttgtagttt taactggaaa aggaataggt
      301 gttgaagagt taaaaaaccc tgataatact aataggggag ttggaattaa tgtaagactg
      361 ggcaaagatg gaggtttgtc ctttaataaa aatggtgagt tagtagcgtg gaacaaacac
      421 aatgacacac gcactctttg gaca