LOCUS       EU009864                 327 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 26-JUL-2016
DEFINITION  Mumps virus strain MuV/S10150/Irl05 small hydrophobic protein and
            hemagglutinin-neuramidase genes, partial cds.
VERSION     EU009864.1
SOURCE      Mumps orthorubulavirus
  ORGANISM  Mumps orthorubulavirus
            Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Negarnaviricota;
            Haploviricotina; Monjiviricetes; Mononegavirales; Paramyxoviridae;
            Rubulavirinae; Orthorubulavirus; Orthorubulavirus parotitidis.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 327)
  AUTHORS   Reid,F., Hassan,J., Irwin,F., Waters,A., Hall,W. and Connell,J.
  TITLE     Epidemiologic and diagnostic evaluation of a recent mumps outbreak
            using oral fluid samples
  JOURNAL   J. Clin. Virol. 41 (2), 134-137 (2008)
   PUBMED   18354822
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 327)
  AUTHORS   Reid,F., Hassan,J., Waters,A., Hall,W. and Connell,J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (02-JUL-2007) School of Medicine and Medical Sciences,
            National Virus Reference Laboratory and Centre for Research in
            Infectious Diseases, University College-Dublin, Belfield, Dublin
            D4, Ireland
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..327
                     /organism="Mumps orthorubulavirus"
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="genotype: J"
     CDS             <1..61
                     /product="small hydrophobic protein"
     CDS             234..>327
BASE COUNT          108 a           88 c           60 g           71 t
        1 acaacatgca gcgctgtacc agagatcctt atttcgctgg agtttcgatc actcattcta
       61 gatagatctc catttaggac aagtcccaat ccatcatacg agaacaagct gcatttgaat
      121 gatgccgtcc aatcatgaga tataaagaaa aaagcaagcc agaacaaact taagatcaca
      181 atacaacaca gaaccccagc tgctatcaca accgtgctcc ggccgctcaa aagatggagc
      241 cctcgaaact attcacaata tcggatgatg ccacctttgc acctgggcct gttatcaatg
      301 cggctgacaa gaagacattc cgaacct