LOCUS       EU009644                 247 bp    DNA     linear   PLN 01-SEP-2010
DEFINITION  Readeriella destructans strain MUCC459 translation elongation
            factor 1 alpha gene, intron.
VERSION     EU009644.1
SOURCE      Teratosphaeria destructans
  ORGANISM  Teratosphaeria destructans
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Pezizomycotina;
            Dothideomycetes; Dothideomycetidae; Mycosphaerellales;
            Teratosphaeriaceae; Teratosphaeria.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 247)
  AUTHORS   Burgess,T.I., Andjic,V., Wingfield,M.J. and Hardy,G.E.
  TITLE     The eucalypt leaf blight pathogen Kirramyces destructans discovered
            in Australia
  JOURNAL   Australas. Plant Dis. Notes 2 (1), 141-144 (2007)
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 247)
  AUTHORS   Burgess,T.I., Andjic,V., Wingfield,M.J. and Hardy,G.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-JUN-2007) Biological Sciences, Murdoch University,
            South St, Perth, WA 6150, Australia
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..247
                     /organism="Teratosphaeria destructans"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /host="Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis"
     gene            <1..>247
                     /gene="translation elongation factor 1 alpha"
     intron          <1..>247
                     /gene="translation elongation factor 1 alpha"
BASE COUNT           53 a           68 c           69 g           57 t
        1 tcatcgagaa gttcgagaag gtcagtacat accacaatgc ctgcgcggca aatttctttt
       61 ccatcgtgcg gttggagggg cattttgggt tttggtgggg tgcgaccgac ggcgcttggc
      121 ctttgcaatt cagcgtcacc cggccaaaat gcgccctcta cgacaactcg tcacaactcc
      181 ttcgacagag ccctcgctga caagcgtcac aggaagccgc cgagttgggt aagggttcct
      241 tcaagta