LOCUS AY849347 569 bp DNA linear PLN 26-JUL-2016 DEFINITION Ephedra sinica voucher NPC# 1003 PbsA (pbsA) gene, partial cds; psbA-trnH intergenic spacer and tRNA-Ile (trnI) gene, complete sequence; and tRNA-His (trnH) gene, partial sequence; chloroplast. ACCESSION AY849347 VERSION AY849347.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE chloroplast Ephedra sinica ORGANISM Ephedra sinica Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Spermatophyta; Gnetopsida; Gnetidae; Ephedrales; Ephedraceae; Ephedra. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 569) AUTHORS Techen,N., Khan,I.A., Pan,Z. and Scheffler,B.E. TITLE The use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the identification of ephedra DNA in dietary supplements JOURNAL Planta Med. 72 (3), 241-247 (2006) PUBMED 16534729 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 569) AUTHORS Techen,N., Khan,I.A. and Scheffler,B.E. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (01-DEC-2004) Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, National Center for Natural Products Research, University, Oxford, MS 38655, USA FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..569 /organism="Ephedra sinica" /organelle="plastid:chloroplast" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /specimen_voucher="NPC# 1003" /db_xref="taxon:33152" /country="China: Shanxi" /collection_date="03-Jun-2003" /note="authority: Ephedra sinica Stapf" gene <1..75 /gene="pbsA" CDS <1..75 /gene="pbsA" /codon_start=1 /transl_table=11 /product="PbsA" /protein_id="AAX46291.1" /translation="VMHERNAHNFPLDLASMEFNSIDG" misc_feature 76..536 /note="psbA-trnH intergenic spacer" gene complement(225..302) /gene="trnI" tRNA complement(225..302) /gene="trnI" /product="tRNA-Ile" gene 537..>569 /gene="trnH" tRNA 537..>569 /gene="trnH" /product="tRNA-His" BASE COUNT 173 a 101 c 120 g 175 t ORIGIN 1 gttatgcatg aacgtaatgc tcacaatttt cctcttgatt tggcatcaat ggaattcaat 61 tctatagatg gttaattaga tagaattcta ggtattcctt tcatcgtacc aaacctctaa 121 aggaggtttg gtaccttatc tgtctttgtt catatccaca ttataagata tcgagttttt 181 tactgttgta tttgaggata tataaggaat ttgaattaga tatgtgcatc cagcaggaat 241 tgaacccgcg agttcgccaa ttatgagttg ggcgctttaa ccattcagcc atggatgctg 301 gagaaaagct catccggaat aatcaattca ttcgataata tgagtgagta tcgacttagg 361 gtagccaagt actcatatcc caatcatgcc aaacatagaa aatgcaacgg aaaaacttgt 421 gggagtgagt accgatcttg caacacttgg atttcctgga ataagtcgcc cacattccgt 481 aggatgaaca gaaaacaact cttttcttga aagtaatgtt gattagatag attttatggg 541 cggacgtagc caagtggctc aaggcagtg //