LOCUS       AV639699                 282 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 12-DEC-2000
DEFINITION  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cDNA clone:HCL003c09_r, 5' end.
VERSION     AV639699.1
KEYWORDS    EST; 5'-end sequence (5'-EST).
SOURCE      Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  ORGANISM  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Chlorophyta; core chlorophytes;
            Chlorophyceae; CS clade; Chlamydomonadales; Chlamydomonadaceae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 282)
  AUTHORS   Asamizu,E. and Nakamura,Y.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (01-AUG-2000) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases.
            Contact:Erika Asamizu
            Kazusa DNA Research Institute, The First Laboratory for Plant Gene
            Research; Yana 1532-3, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0812, Japan
            URL    :
  AUTHORS   Asamizu,E., Miura,K., Kucho,K., Inoue,Y., Fukuzawa,H., Ohyama,K.,
            Nakamura,Y. and Tabata,S.
  TITLE     Generation of Expressed Sequence Tags from low-CO2 and high-CO2
            adapted cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  JOURNAL   DNA Res. 7, 305-307 (2000)
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..282
                     /note="The cDNA library was constructed from cells
                     cultured in a medium with bubbling air containing 5%
                     carbon dioxide."
                     /note="VECTOR:pBluescriptII SK-; Site_1:EcoRI;
                     /organism="Chlamydomonas reinhardtii"
BASE COUNT           49 a           91 c           91 g           51 t
        1 tttgttgcgt ttcaagtagc ataacaccat gcagactatc agcggtcgct ccgtggccgg
       61 gcgcagcacc tgctccgccc gcgttgctct ccgggcgcgc aaggtgtgcg tgactcgcgc
      121 cgctgccacc gtggagaagc acgaggagaa ggccatcggc tctgcctggc agttcaccca
      181 gcccgctggc aagggtctgg gcttctacac cggcgctgag gatggctacc tgtactgcga
      241 ccagatgcgc gtggaggaca tccgcaacaa ggtgcccgag tc