LOCUS AK143573 1193 bp mRNA linear HTC 06-OCT-2010 DEFINITION Mus musculus 6 days neonate spleen cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:F420006D16 product:CD79B antigen, full insert sequence. ACCESSION AK143573 VERSION AK143573.1 KEYWORDS HTC_FLI; HTC; CAP trapper. SOURCE Mus musculus (house mouse) ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1193) AUTHORS Arakawa,T., Carninci,P., Fukuda,S., Hashizume,W., Hayashida,K., Hori,F., Iida,J., Imamura,K., Imotani,K., Itoh,M., Kanagawa,S., Kawai,J., Kojima,M., Konno,H., Murata,M., Nakamura,M., Ninomiya,N., Nishiyori,H., Nomura,K., Ohno,M., Sakazume,N., Sano,H., Sasaki,D., Shibata,K., Shiraki,T., Tagami,M., Tagami,Y., Waki,K., Watahiki,A., Muramatsu,M. and Hayashizaki,Y. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (30-MAR-2004) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Yoshihide Hayashizaki The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Omics Science Center, RIKEN Yokohama Institute; 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan URL : REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS CONSRTM The FANTOM Consortium, Riken Genome Exploration Research Group and Genome Science Group (Genome Network Project Core Group) TITLE The Transcriptional Landscape of the Mammalian Genome JOURNAL Science 309, 1559-1563 (2005) REFERENCE 3 AUTHORS CONSRTM RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group and Genome Science Group (Genome Network Project Core Group) and the FANTOM Consortium TITLE Antisense Transcription in the Mammalian Transcriptome JOURNAL Science 309, 1564-1566 (2005) REFERENCE 4 AUTHORS CONSRTM The FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase I and II Team TITLE Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs JOURNAL Nature 420, 563-573 (2002) REFERENCE 5 AUTHORS CONSRTM The RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group Phase II Team and the FANTOM Consortium TITLE Functional annotation of a full-length mouse cDNA collection JOURNAL Nature 409, 685-690 (2001) REFERENCE 6 AUTHORS Carninci,P. and Hayashizaki,Y. TITLE High-efficiency full-length cDNA cloning JOURNAL Meth. Enzymol. 303, 19-44 (1999) REFERENCE 7 AUTHORS Carninci,P., Shibata,Y., Hayatsu,N., Sugahara,Y., Shibata,K., Itoh,M., Konno,H., Okazaki,Y., Muramatsu,M. and Hayashizaki,Y. TITLE Normalization and subtraction of cap-trapper-selected cDNAs to prepare full-length cDNA libraries for rapid discovery of new genes JOURNAL Genome Res. 10, 1617-1630 (2000) REFERENCE 8 AUTHORS Shibata,K., Itoh,M., Aizawa,K., Nagaoka,S., Sasaki,N., Carninci,P., Konno,H., Akiyama,J., Nishi,K., Kitsunai,T., Tashiro,H., Itoh,M., Sumi,N., Ishii,Y., Nakamura,S., Hazama,M., Nishine,T., Harada,A., Yamamoto,R., Matsumoto,H., Sakaguchi,S., Ikegami,T., Kashiwagi,K., Fujiwake,S., Inoue,K., Togawa,Y., Izawa,M., Ohara,E., Watahiki,M., Yoneda,Y., Ishikawa,T., Ozawa,K., Tanaka,T., Matsuura,S., Kawai,J., Okazaki,Y., Muramatsu,M., Inoue,Y., Kira,A. and Hayashizaki,Y. TITLE RIKEN integrated sequence analysis (RISA) system-384-format sequencing pipeline with 384 multicapillary sequencer JOURNAL Genome Res. 10, 1757-1771 (2000) COMMENT cDNA library was prepared and sequenced in Mouse Genome Encyclopedia Project of Genome Exploration Research Group in Riken Genomic Sciences Center and Genome Science Laboratory in RIKEN. Division of Experimental Animal Research in Riken contributed to prepare mouse tissues. Please visit our web site for further details. URL: URL: clone information is available at: main.cgi?masterid=F420006D16 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1193 /clone="F420006D16" /clone_lib="RIKEN full-length enriched mouse cDNA library" /db_xref="FANTOM_DB:F420006D16" /db_xref="MGI:3551841" /db_xref="taxon:10090" /dev_stage="6 days neonate" /mol_type="mRNA" /organism="Mus musculus" /strain="C57BL/6J" /tissue_type="spleen" CDS 47..733 /codon_start=1 /note="CD79B antigen (MGD|MGI:96431 GB|NM_008339, evidence: BLASTN, 100%, match=1190)" /note="putative" /protein_id="BAE25444.1" /transl_table=1 /translation="MATLVLSSMPCHWLLFLLLLFSGEPVPAMTSSDLPLNFQGSPCS QIWQHPRFAAKKRSSMVKFHCYTNHSGALTWFRKRGSQQPQELVSEEGRIVQTQNGSV YTLTIQNIQYEDNGIYFCKQKCDSANHNVTDSCGTELLVLGFSTLDQLKRRNTLKDGI ILIQTLLIILFIIVPIFLLLDKDDGKAGMEEDHTYEGLNIDQTATYEDIVTLRTGEVK WSVGEHPGQE" regulatory 1175..1180 /note="putative" /regulatory_class="polyA_signal_sequence" polyA_site 1193 /note="putative" BASE COUNT 297 a 335 c 303 g 258 t ORIGIN 1 ggtttcgccc ccaaacctcc ttgggctcag agacagagca gtgaccatgg ccacactggt 61 gctgtcttcc atgccctgcc actggctgtt gttcctgctg ctgctcttct caggtgagcc 121 ggtaccagca atgacaagca gtgacctgcc actgaatttc caaggaagcc cttgttccca 181 gatctggcag cacccgaggt ttgcagccaa aaagcggagc tccatggtga agtttcactg 241 ctacacaaac cactcaggtg cactgacctg gttccgaaag cgagggagcc agcagcccca 301 ggaactggtc tcagaagagg gacgcattgt gcagacccag aatggctctg tctacaccct 361 cactatccaa aacatccagt acgaggataa tggtatctac ttctgcaagc agaaatgtga 421 cagcgccaac cataatgtca ccgacagctg tggcacggaa cttctagtct taggattcag 481 cacgttggac caactgaagc ggcggaacac actgaaagat ggcattatct tgatccagac 541 cctcctcatc atcctcttca tcattgtgcc catcttcctg ctacttgaca aggatgacgg 601 caaggctggg atggaggaag atcacaccta tgagggcttg aacattgacc agacagccac 661 ctatgaagac atagtgactc ttcggacagg ggaggtaaag tggtcggtag gagagcatcc 721 aggccaggaa tgagggtcac cttcatcctg ctcaactctt gggcctcact gcttccaaac 781 cgcctggctc acaagcccat tccctgcttc ctggataccc cggccagcgt ctgaagctgg 841 accatcaata ccacctctca ttctagcccc tggtccccag ctcttgctga agggcctggg 901 gtggaaggac aatagggtgg tgacatggag taaggagttc tctggggata gacttgaccc 961 aaggcttctg ggagtgccat gtgggatctg tccccatgtt tgggacagga aagcagagac 1021 ttgttggaat ctgcaaatgg actcagaaca cactggcttc aagaggagtc taggaggacc 1081 atggttcaca ctgacacctg aagaagttgc cagaatgcca tttctctctc ccattccaag 1141 gatcacccaa agcctacagc ccatcctcct gtggaataaa taatgtgcct ggc //