LOCUS       Y00547                  1507 bp    DNA     linear   ENV 13-FEB-1995
DEFINITION  Plasmid R27 replication region.
VERSION     Y00547.1
KEYWORDS    origin of replication.
SOURCE      uncultured bacterium
  ORGANISM  uncultured bacterium
            Bacteria; environmental samples.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1507)
  AUTHORS   Saul D., Lane D., Bergquist P.L.
  TITLE     A replication region of the IncHI plasmid, R27, is highly
            homologous with the RepFIA replicon of F
  JOURNAL   Mol. Microbiol. 2(2), 219-225(1988).
   PUBMED   3288833
COMMENT     Draft entry and printed sequence for [1] kindly provided by D.Saul,
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1507
                     /organism="uncultured bacterium"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     repeat_region   352..371
                     /note="inc repeat"
     repeat_region   373..391
                     /note="inc repeat"
     repeat_region   406..424
                     /note="inc repeat"
     repeat_region   428..446
                     /note="inc repeat"
     regulatory      482..486
     regulatory      504..509
     CDS             543..1298
                     /product="protein E"
     repeat_region   1300..1483
                     /note="repeats of about 50 bp"
BASE COUNT          387 a          351 c          360 g          409 t
        1 gagctcacgg atttcaattt gttccggggt aatgggggag gcttttggtg tttttccctg
       61 ccgctcatca cgtaattaat aggctgtatg tctaacttct ggccacagat ataatcgagc
      121 cagcagtgct cgccgcagcc gagcgacagg gcgaagcccc gagtgagcga ggaagcacca
      181 tggaacagta ctcataaatt ctgcatacgc tcaatgcctg caaaatcacc tcccctaggg
      241 gttatccact tatccacggg gatattttta taagatcttt tttaatagtt gttagatctt
      301 tatttttaga atgcccacag gcctttatcc atgcgggttc cagagaggga tctgtgacaa
      361 aacgcccttt cagtgtgaca aatcaccctc aaatagccgc cctttctgtg acaagttgcc
      421 cttaaccctg tgacaaattg ccctcaggaa gcgttgcttt tcacaaagtt atccatccct
      481 gttgactctg ttttatgaag tgtgacaatc ttaaagtctg tcacacttca catggacctg
      541 tcatggcgga aatagcggtt ataaaccata aaaaacgtaa aaatagcccg cggattgtcc
      601 agtcaaatga gctgactgag gcggcatata gtctctccag ggatcaaaag cgtctgctgt
      661 atctgttcgt tcaccagatc agaaaatccg acggctccct gcaggaacat gacggcatct
      721 gcgaaattca cgttgctaaa tacgctgaaa cattcgggtt gacctccgct gaagccagta
      781 aggatatacg acaggcttta aaaggttttg cgggtaagga agtggttttc tatcgccctg
      841 aagaggatgc cggcgatgaa aaagggtatg aatcctttcc ctggtttatt aaacgtgcgc
      901 acagcccatc cagagggctt tacagcgtac atatcaaccc atatctgatt cccttcttca
      961 tcgggttaca gaaccggttt acgcagttcc ggctcagtga aacaaaagag attaccaatc
     1021 cgtacgccat gcgtttatac gaatctctgt gccagtaccg taaacctgat ggctcaggtg
     1081 tcgtgtccct gaaaatcgac tggatcatgg aacgctacca gctacctcaa agttaccagc
     1141 gtatgccgga ctttcgccgc cgtttcctga aggcaagtgt tgacgagatc aacagccgga
     1201 caccaatgcg cctttcttac atcgagaaaa agaaaggccg ccagacgacg catatcgtat
     1261 tttccttccg tgatataacc tccatgacga ttgaatagtt gagggttatc tgtcacagat
     1321 ttaagggtgg ttcgtcacat ttgatctgga aggttgaggg ttatctgtca cagatttaag
     1381 ggtggttcgt cacatttgat ctggaaggtt gagggtgatt tgtcacagat ttaagggtgg
     1441 ttcgtcacat ttgatctgga aggttgaggg tgatttgtca cagttttgct gttccctccc
     1501 tggggaa