LOCUS       ALU86091                 402 bp    DNA     linear   INV 30-JAN-2001
DEFINITION  Ascaris lumbricoides ABA-1 allergen (aba-1r1) gene, partial cds.
VERSION     U86091.1
SOURCE      Ascaris lumbricoides (common roundworm)
  ORGANISM  Ascaris lumbricoides
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Rhabditida;
            Spirurina; Ascaridomorpha; Ascaridoidea; Ascarididae; Ascaris.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 402)
  AUTHORS   McSharry,C., Xia,Y., Holland,C.V. and Kennedy,M.W.
  TITLE     Natural immunity to Ascaris lumbricoides associated with
            immunoglobulin E antibody to ABA-1 allergen and inflammation
            indicators in children
  JOURNAL   Infect. Immun. 67 (2), 484-489 (1999)
   PUBMED   9916049
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 402)
  AUTHORS   Xia,Y., Spence,H.J., Moore,J., Heaney,N., McDermott,L., Cooper,A.,
            Watson,D.G., Mei,B., Komuniecki,R. and Kennedy,M.W.
  TITLE     The ABA-1 allergen of Ascaris lumbricoides: sequence polymorphism,
            stage and tissue-specific expression, lipid binding function, and
            protein biophysical properties
  JOURNAL   Parasitology 120 (Pt 2), 211-224 (2000)
   PUBMED   10726282
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 402)
  AUTHORS   Xia,Y., Kennedy,M.W., Spence,H.J. and Moore,J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (21-JAN-1997) Pathology, School of Medicine, 511 S. Floyd
            Street, Louisville, KY 40202, USA
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..402
                     /organism="Ascaris lumbricoides"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     gene            1..402
     CDS             <1..>402
                     /note="one peptide repeat unit of ABA-1; nematode
                     polyprotein allergen"
                     /product="ABA-1 allergen"
BASE COUNT          153 a           71 c          102 g           76 t
        1 catcatttca cccttgaaag tagtctagat acccatctga aatggctcag tcaagaacag
       61 aaagatgaat tgttgaaaat gaagaaagat ggaaagacaa agaaagatct tcaagctaaa
      121 attctttatt actatgacga actcgaagga gatgctaaaa aggaggcaac tgagcatttg
      181 aaggacggat gccgcgaaat tcttaagcat gttgttgggg aagagaagga agcagagctg
      241 aagaaactca aagactcggg agcaagcaaa gaggaagtca aagccaaagt cgaagaggca
      301 cttcatgcag taaccgacga ggagaagaag caatatatcg ccgatttcgg accagcatgc
      361 aagaaaatct ttgctgcagc acatacttcg cgacgaagga gg