LOCUS       MW201570                1450 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 09-NOV-2020
DEFINITION  Actinacidiphila acididurans 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial
VERSION     MW201570.1
SOURCE      Actinacidiphila acididurans
  ORGANISM  Actinacidiphila acididurans
            Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Streptomycetales; Streptomycetaceae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1450)
  AUTHORS   Chantavorakit,T. and Duangmal,K.
  TITLE     Streptomyces acididurans sp. nov., isolated from peat swamp forest
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1450)
  AUTHORS   Chantavorakit,T. and Duangmal,K.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (03-NOV-2020) Microbiology, Kasetsart University, Ngam
            Wong Wan, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
COMMENT     Sequences were screened for chimeras by the submitter using
            Decipher 2012.
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1450
                     /organism="Actinacidiphila acididurans"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /type_material="type strain of Streptomyces acididurans"
     rRNA            <1..>1450
                     /product="16S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT          315 a          367 c          499 g          269 t
        1 tcaggacgaa cgctggcggc gtgcttaaca catgcaagtc gaacggtgaa gcctttcggg
       61 gtggatcagt ggcgaacggg tgagtaacac gtgggcaatc tgccctgcac tctgggacaa
      121 gccctggaaa cggggtctaa taccggatat tacctggttg cgcatgcttc cgggtggaaa
      181 gctccggcgg tgcaggatga gcccgcggcc tatcagcttg ttggtggggt gatggcctac
      241 caaggcgacg acgggtagcc ggcctgagag ggcgaccggc cacactggga ctgagacacg
      301 gcccagactc ctacgggagg cagcagtggg gaatattgca caatgggcga aagcctgatg
      361 cagcgacgcc gcgtgaggga tgacggcctt cgggttgtaa acctctttca gcagggaaga
      421 agcgcgagtg acggtacctg cagaagaagc accggctaac tacgtgccag cagccgcggt
      481 aatacgtagg gtgcgagcgt tgtccggaat tattgggcgt aaagagctcg taggcggctt
      541 gtcgcgtcgg atgtgaaagc ccggggctta actccgggtc tgcattcgat acgggcaggc
      601 tggagtgcgg taggggagat cggaattcct ggtgtagcgg tgaaatgcgc agatatcagg
      661 aggaacaccg gtggcgaagg cggatctctg ggccgttact gacgctgagg agcgaaagcg
      721 tggggagcga acaggattag ataccctggt agtccacgcc gtaaacgttg ggaactaggt
      781 gtgggcgaca ttccacgttg tccgtgccgc agctaacgca ttaagttccc cgcctgggga
      841 gtacggccgc aaggctaaaa ctcaaaggaa ttgacggggg cccgcacaag cggcggagca
      901 tgtggcttaa ttcgacgcaa cgcgaagaac cttaccaagg cttgacatac accggacaca
      961 cccggagacg ggtgctccct ttgggctggt gtacaggtgg tgcatggctg tcgtcagctc
     1021 gtgtcgtgag atgttgggtt aagtcccgca acgagcgcaa cccttgtcct gtgttgccag
     1081 caggcccttg tggtgctggg gactcacagg agaccgccgg ggtcaactcg gaggaaggtg
     1141 gggacgacgt caagtcatca tgccccttat gtcttgggct gcacacgtgc tacaatggcc
     1201 ggtacaatga gctgcgatgc cgtgaggcgg agcgaatctc aaaaagccgg tctcagttcg
     1261 gattggggtc tgcaactcga ccccatgaag tcggagtcgc tagtaatcgc agatcagcag
     1321 tgctgcggtg aatacgttcc cgggccttgt acacaccgcc cgtcacgtca cgaaagtcgg
     1381 taacacccga agccggtggc ccaacccctt gtgggaggga gtcgtcgaaa gtgggactgg
     1441 cgattgggac