LOCUS BAK85340.1 75 aa PRT BCT 07-OCT-2016 DEFINITION Komagataeibacter medellinensis NBRC 3288 transcriptional regulator protein. ACCESSION AP012162-39 PROTEIN_ID BAK85340.1 SOURCE Komagataeibacter medellinensis NBRC 3288 ORGANISM Komagataeibacter medellinensis NBRC 3288 Bacteria; Pseudomonadota; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodospirillales; Acetobacteraceae; Komagataeibacter. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 28572) AUTHORS CONSRTM Gluconacetobacter xylinus genome sequencing consortium TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-APR-2011) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Director-General Department of Biotechnology National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, NITE Bioresource Information Center (NBIC), Department of Biotechnology; 2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0066, Japan URL : REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Ogino,H., Azuma,Y., Hosoyama,A., Nakazawa,H., Matsutani,M., Hasegawa,A., Otsuyama,K., Matsushita,K., Fujita,N. and Shirai,M. TITLE Complete Genome Sequence of NBRC 3288, a Unique Cellulose-Nonproducing Strain of Gluconacetobacter xylinus Isolated from Vinegar JOURNAL J. Bacteriol. 193, 6997-6998 (2011) COMMENT ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Genome Coverage :: 8x Sequencing Technology :: Sanger ABI3730 ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## This work was done by Gluconacetobacter xylinus genome sequencing consortium including Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Genetic Resources Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University and Mizkan Group Corporation Central Research Institute. Please visit our web site. URL: DOGAN ; Database of Genomes Analyzed at NITE The database contains genome sequence data, physical maps and the genomic and proteomic data of the microorganisms analyzed. URL: FEATURES Qualifiers source /db_xref="NBRC:3288" /db_xref="taxon:634177" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /organism="Komagataeibacter medellinensis NBRC 3288" /plasmid="pGXY030" /strain="NBRC 3288" protein /locus_tag="GLX_31790" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MVELKVRKFG NSLGVVLPKE VISRLNTQDG APLYLTEAPE GGYRLVPYDP DFETKMTKAE 61 DIMRRYRDTL HVLAQ //