LOCUS       AET42331.1                99 aa    PRT              HTG 25-JUL-2016
DEFINITION  Ruegeria phage DSS3-P1 hypothetical protein protein.
ACCESSION   HQ632855-65
SOURCE      Ruegeria phage DSS3-P1
  ORGANISM  Ruegeria phage DSS3-P1
            Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Uroviricota;
            Caudoviricetes; Casjensviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 60467)
  AUTHORS   Henn,M.R., Chen,F., Wang,K., Levin,J., Malboeuf,C., Casali,M.,
            Russ,C., Lennon,N., Chapman,S.B., Erlich,R., Young,S.K.,
            Yandava,C., Zeng,Q., Alvarado,L., Anderson,S., Berlin,A., Chen,Z.,
            Freedman,E., Gellesch,M., Goldberg,J., Green,L., Griggs,A.,
            Gujja,S., Heilman,E.R., Heiman,D., Hollinger,A., Howarth,C.,
            Larson,L., Mehta,T., Pearson,M., Roberts,A., Ryan,E., Saif,S.,
            Shea,T., Shenoy,N., Sisk,P., Stolte,C., Sykes,S., White,J.,
            Haas,B., Nusbaum,C. and Birren,B.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform
  TITLE     The Genome Sequence of Silicibacter phage DSS3-P1
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 60467)
  AUTHORS   Henn,M.R., Chen,F., Wang,K., Levin,J., Malboeuf,C., Casali,M.,
            Russ,C., Lennon,N., Chapman,S.B., Erlich,R., Young,S.K.,
            Yandava,C., Zeng,Q., Alvarado,L., Anderson,S., Berlin,A., Chen,Z.,
            Freedman,E., Gellesch,M., Goldberg,J., Green,L., Griggs,A.,
            Gujja,S., Heilman,E.R., Heiman,D., Hollinger,A., Howarth,C.,
            Larson,L., Mehta,T., Pearson,M., Roberts,A., Ryan,E., Saif,S.,
            Shea,T., Shenoy,N., Sisk,P., Stolte,C., Sykes,S., White,J.,
            Haas,B., Nusbaum,C. and Birren,B.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (14-OCT-2010) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 7
            Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
COMMENT     This genome was sequenced by the Broad Institute and co-owned with
            Isolation method            :: triple-plaque-purified
            Template preparation method :: CsCl-gradient
            Phage/virus type            :: DNA:ds Viral DNA
            Phage/virus taxonomy        :: Siphoviridae
            Phage/virus strain          :: DSS3-P1
            Latitude                    :: 39.17N
            Longitude                   :: 76.36W
            Depth (m)                   :: 1.00
            Elevation (m)               :: 1.00
            Collection date             :: 01-Jul-2006
            Sample collection site      :: Chesapeake Bay
            Habitat description         :: Temperate estuary
            Lab Host                    :: Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS3
            * NOTE: This is a 'working draft' sequence. It currently
            * consists of 6 contigs. The true order of the pieces
            * is not known and their order in this sequence record is
            * arbitrary. Gaps between the contigs are represented as
            * runs of N, but the exact sizes of the gaps are unknown.
            * This record will be updated with the finished sequence
            * as soon as it is available and the accession number will
            * be preserved.
            *        1    25891: contig of 25891 bp in length
            *    25892    25991: gap of unknown length
            *    25992    42807: contig of 16816 bp in length
            *    42808    42907: gap of unknown length
            *    42908    49448: contig of 6541 bp in length
            *    49449    49548: gap of unknown length
            *    49549    54911: contig of 5363 bp in length
            *    54912    55011: gap of unknown length
            *    55012    58068: contig of 3057 bp in length
            *    58069    58168: gap of unknown length
            *    58169    60467: contig of 2299 bp in length.
FEATURES             Qualifiers
     source          /organism="Ruegeria phage DSS3-P1"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /isolation_source="Chesapeake Bay"
                     /lab_host="Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS3"
                     /lat_lon="39.17 N 76.36 W"
     protein         /locus_tag="SDSG_00066"