LOCUS       AEP16185.1               103 aa    PRT              HTG 22-FEB-2012
DEFINITION  Emiliania huxleyi virus 208 hypothetical protein protein.
ACCESSION   JF974318-307
SOURCE      Emiliania huxleyi virus 208
  ORGANISM  Emiliania huxleyi virus 208
            Viruses; Varidnaviria; Bamfordvirae; Nucleocytoviricota;
            Megaviricetes; Algavirales; Phycodnaviridae; Coccolithovirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 411003)
  AUTHORS   Nissimov,J.I., Worthy,C.A., Rooks,P., Napier,J.A., Kimmance,S.A.,
            Henn,M.R., Ogata,H. and Allen,M.J.
  TITLE     Draft Genome Sequence of Four Coccolithoviruses: Emiliania huxleyi
            Virus EhV-88, EhV-201, EhV-207, and EhV-208
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 86 (5), 2896-2897 (2012)
   PUBMED   22328700
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 411003)
  AUTHORS   Henn,M.R., Allen,M., Levin,J., Malboeuf,C., Casali,M., Russ,C.,
            Lennon,N., Chapman,S.B., Erlich,R., Young,S.K., Yandava,C.,
            Zeng,Q., Alvarado,L., Anderson,S., Berlin,A., Chen,Z., Freedman,E.,
            Gellesch,M., Goldberg,J., Green,L., Griggs,A., Gujja,S.,
            Heilman,E.R., Heiman,D., Hollinger,A., Howarth,C., Larson,L.,
            Mehta,T., Pearson,M., Roberts,A., Ryan,E., Saif,S., Shea,T.,
            Shenoy,N., Sisk,P., Stolte,C., Sykes,S., White,J., Haas,B.,
            Nusbaum,C. and Birren,B.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform
  TITLE     The Genome Sequence of Emiliania huxleyi virus 208
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 411003)
  AUTHORS   Henn,M.R., Allen,M., Levin,J., Malboeuf,C., Casali,M., Russ,C.,
            Lennon,N., Chapman,S.B., Erlich,R., Young,S.K., Yandava,C.,
            Zeng,Q., Alvarado,L., Anderson,S., Berlin,A., Chen,Z., Freedman,E.,
            Gellesch,M., Goldberg,J., Green,L., Griggs,A., Gujja,S.,
            Heilman,E.R., Heiman,D., Hollinger,A., Howarth,C., Larson,L.,
            Mehta,T., Pearson,M., Roberts,A., Ryan,E., Saif,S., Shea,T.,
            Shenoy,N., Sisk,P., Stolte,C., Sykes,S., White,J., Haas,B.,
            Nusbaum,C. and Birren,B.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (18-DEC-2010) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 7
            Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
COMMENT     This genome was sequenced by the Broad Institute and co-owned with
            Isolation method                 :: triple-plaque-purified
            Template preparation method      :: CsCl-gradient
            Phage/virus type                 :: DNA:ds Viral DNA
            Phage/virus "hybrid" information :: not applicable
            Phage/virus taxonomy             :: Coccolithoviridae
            Phage/virus strain               :: Strain 208
            Morphology                       :: Icosahedral
            Latitude                         :: 50.25N
            Longitude                        :: 4.22W
            Depth (m)                        :: 5.00
            Collection date                  :: 27-Jul-2007
            Sample collection site           :: English Channel
            Other collection site info       :: L4
            Filter fraction (um)             :: 0.45
            Volume filtered (L)              :: 1.0
            Habitat description              :: Collected from natural E.
                                                huxleyi bloom
            Other metadata available         :: http://www.westernchannelobserv
            References                       :: PMID: 17359269; PMID: 16099989;
                                                PMID: 12209309; PMID: 16553948
            Lab Host                         :: Emiliania huxleyi 1516
            * NOTE: This is a 'working draft' sequence. It currently
            * consists of 17 contigs. The true order of the pieces
            * is not known and their order in this sequence record is
            * arbitrary. Gaps between the contigs are represented as
            * runs of N, but the exact sizes of the gaps are unknown.
            * This record will be updated with the finished sequence
            * as soon as it is available and the accession number will
            * be preserved.
            *        1    85876: contig of 85876 bp in length
            *    85877    85976: gap of unknown length
            *    85977   149210: contig of 63234 bp in length
            *   149211   149310: gap of unknown length
            *   149311   201385: contig of 52075 bp in length
            *   201386   201485: gap of unknown length
            *   201486   242792: contig of 41307 bp in length
            *   242793   242892: gap of unknown length
            *   242893   277533: contig of 34641 bp in length
            *   277534   277633: gap of unknown length
            *   277634   302386: contig of 24753 bp in length
            *   302387   302486: gap of unknown length
            *   302487   324914: contig of 22428 bp in length
            *   324915   325014: gap of unknown length
            *   325015   345587: contig of 20573 bp in length
            *   345588   345687: gap of unknown length
            *   345688   363458: contig of 17771 bp in length
            *   363459   363558: gap of unknown length
            *   363559   374887: contig of 11329 bp in length
            *   374888   374987: gap of unknown length
            *   374988   383661: contig of 8674 bp in length
            *   383662   383761: gap of unknown length
            *   383762   389006: contig of 5245 bp in length
            *   389007   389106: gap of unknown length
            *   389107   393990: contig of 4884 bp in length
            *   393991   394090: gap of unknown length
            *   394091   398901: contig of 4811 bp in length
            *   398902   399001: gap of unknown length
            *   399002   403688: contig of 4687 bp in length
            *   403689   403788: gap of unknown length
            *   403789   407683: contig of 3895 bp in length
            *   407684   407783: gap of unknown length
            *   407784   411003: contig of 3220 bp in length.
FEATURES             Qualifiers
     source          /organism="Emiliania huxleyi virus 208"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /isolation_source="English Channel"
                     /lab_host="Emiliania huxleyi 1516"
                     /lat_lon="50.25 N 4.22 W"
     protein         /locus_tag="ERVG_00310"