LOCUS       AAB84980.1                77 aa    PRT              BCT 30-JAN-2014
DEFINITION  Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str. Delta H conserved
            protein protein.
ACCESSION   AE000666-471
SOURCE      Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str. Delta H
            (Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum str. deltaH)
  ORGANISM  Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str. Delta H
            Archaea; Euryarchaeota; Methanomada group; Methanobacteria;
            Methanobacteriales; Methanobacteriaceae; Methanothermobacter.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1751377)
  AUTHORS   Smith,D.R., Doucette-Stamm,L.A., Deloughery,C., Lee,H.-M.,
            Dubois,J., Aldredge,T., Bashirzadeh,R., Blakely,D., Cook,R.,
            Gilbert,K., Harrison,D., Hoang,L., Keagle,P., Lumm,W., Pothier,B.,
            Qiu,D., Spadafora,R., Vicare,R., Wang,Y., Wierzbowski,J.,
            Gibson,R., Jiwani,N., Caruso,A., Bush,D., Safer,H., Patwell,D.,
            Prabhakar,S., McDougall,S., Shimer,G., Goyal,A., Pietrovski,S.,
            Church,G.M., Daniels,C.J., Mao,J.-i., Rice,P., Nolling,J. and
  TITLE     Complete genome sequence of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
            deltaH: functional analysis and comparative genomics
  JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 179 (22), 7135-7155 (1997)
   PUBMED   9371463
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1751377)
  AUTHORS   Smith,D.R.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (10-AUG-1997) Genomics and Technology Development, Genome
            Therapuetics Corporation, 100 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA
            02154-8448, USA
COMMENT     On or before Jan 5, 2006 this sequence version replaced AE000795.1,
            AE000796.1, AE000797.1, AE000798.1, AE000799.1, AE000800.1,
            AE000801.1, AE000802.1, AE000803.1, AE000804.1, AE000805.1,
            AE000806.1, AE000807.1, AE000808.1, AE000809.1, AE000810.1,
            AE000811.1, AE000812.1, AE000813.1, AE000814.1, AE000815.1,
            AE000816.1, AE000817.1, AE000818.1, AE000819.1, AE000820.1,
            AE000821.1, AE000822.1, AE000823.1, AE000824.1, AE000825.1,
            AE000826.1, AE000827.1, AE000828.1, AE000829.1, AE000830.1,
            AE000831.1, AE000832.1, AE000833.1, AE000834.1, AE000835.1,
            AE000836.1, AE000837.1, AE000838.1, AE000839.1, AE000840.1,
            AE000841.1, AE000842.1, AE000843.1, AE000844.1, AE000845.1,
            AE000846.1, AE000847.1, AE000848.1, AE000849.1, AE000850.1,
            AE000851.1, AE000852.1, AE000853.1, AE000854.1, AE000855.1,
            AE000856.1, AE000857.1, AE000858.1, AE000859.1, AE000860.1,
            AE000861.1, AE000862.1, AE000863.1, AE000864.1, AE000865.1,
            AE000866.1, AE000867.1, AE000868.1, AE000869.1, AE000870.1,
            AE000871.1, AE000872.1, AE000873.1, AE000874.1, AE000875.1,
            AE000876.1, AE000877.1, AE000878.1, AE000879.1, AE000880.1,
            AE000881.1, AE000882.1, AE000883.1, AE000884.1, AE000885.1,
            AE000886.1, AE000887.1, AE000888.1, AE000889.1, AE000890.1,
            AE000891.1, AE000892.1, AE000893.1, AE000894.1, AE000895.1,
            AE000896.1, AE000897.1, AE000898.1, AE000899.1, AE000900.1,
            AE000901.1, AE000902.1, AE000903.1, AE000904.1, AE000905.1,
            AE000906.1, AE000907.1, AE000908.1, AE000909.1, AE000910.1,
            AE000911.1, AE000912.1, AE000913.1, AE000914.1, AE000915.1,
            AE000916.1, AE000917.1, AE000918.1, AE000919.1, AE000920.1,
            AE000921.1, AE000922.1, AE000923.1, AE000924.1, AE000925.1,
            AE000926.1, AE000927.1, AE000928.1, AE000929.1, AE000930.1,
            AE000931.1, AE000932.1, AE000933.1, AE000934.1, AE000935.1,
            AE000936.1, AE000937.1, AE000938.1, AE000939.1, AE000940.1,
            AE000941.1, AE000942.1.
FEATURES             Qualifiers
     source          /organism="Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus str.
                     Delta H"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /strain="Delta H"
                     /type_material="type strain of Methanobacterium
                     /note="synonym: Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum str.
     protein         /locus_tag="MTH_474"
                     /note="Function Code:14.01 - Unknown, Conserved protein;
                     similar to, gp:GI:e284003:g1707687, p()=6.3E-32, pid=52%"