LOCUS QJU56781.1 152 aa PRT BCT 18-MAY-2020 DEFINITION Sphingomonas sp. AP4-R1 transcription antitermination factor NusB protein. ACCESSION CP053346-462 PROTEIN_ID QJU56781.1 SOURCE Sphingomonas sp. AP4-R1 ORGANISM Sphingomonas sp. AP4-R1 Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Sphingomonadales; Sphingomonadaceae; Sphingomonas. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5252057) AUTHORS Heo,J., Kim,S.-J., Kim,J.-S., Hong,S.-B. and Kwon,S.-W. TITLE Genome sequencing of strain KACC 21605 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5252057) AUTHORS Heo,J., Kim,S.-J., Kim,J.-S., Hong,S.-B. and Kwon,S.-W. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (08-MAY-2020) Agricultural Mircrobiology Division, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 166 Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do 55365, South Korea COMMENT The annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP). Information about PGAP can be found here: This genome has a base modification file available. ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Date :: APR-2020 Assembly Method :: RS HGAP Assembly v. 3.0 Genome Representation :: Full Expected Final Version :: Yes Genome Coverage :: 99.0x Sequencing Technology :: PacBio RSII ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 05/11/2020 21:04:38 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP) Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set; GeneMarkS-2+ Annotation Software revision :: 4.11 Features Annotated :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA; ncRNA; repeat_region Genes (total) :: 4,788 CDSs (total) :: 4,729 Genes (coding) :: 4,613 CDSs (with protein) :: 4,613 Genes (RNA) :: 59 rRNAs :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S) complete rRNAs :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S) tRNAs :: 50 ncRNAs :: 3 Pseudo Genes (total) :: 116 CDSs (without protein) :: 116 Pseudo Genes (ambiguous residues) :: 0 of 116 Pseudo Genes (frameshifted) :: 56 of 116 Pseudo Genes (incomplete) :: 58 of 116 Pseudo Genes (internal stop) :: 26 of 116 Pseudo Genes (multiple problems) :: 22 of 116 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Sphingomonas sp. AP4-R1" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="AP4-R1" /host="Malus prunifolia (crab apple)" /culture_collection="KACC:21605" /db_xref="taxon:2735134" /geo_loc_name="South Korea: Naju-si" /collection_date="23-Oct-2019" /collected_by="Jun Heo, Soon-Wo Kwon" /identified_by="Jun Heo, Soon-Wo Kwon" protein /gene="nusB" /locus_tag="HL653_02345" /inference="COORDINATES: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_014077833.1" /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MSGANNSRSR SRSAARLAAV QALYQQEMES TPLARLLDEF HTHRLGAEID DERYERAEVA 61 FFDDIVRGVS ARAEEIDAIV EAHLAAGWNL ARLDRPLRQI LRAGTYELMA RIDVPTAAVI 121 TEYVDVADAF YEKRETGFVN GILDKIGRKV RA //