LOCUS CTQ87054.1 858 aa PRT CON 06-FEB-2024 DEFINITION Caenorhabditis elegans Smad protein daf-3 protein. ACCESSION BX284606-177 PROTEIN_ID CTQ87054.1 SOURCE Caenorhabditis elegans ORGANISM Caenorhabditis elegans Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Rhabditida; Rhabditina; Rhabditomorpha; Rhabditoidea; Rhabditidae; Peloderinae; Caenorhabditis. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 17718942) AUTHORS WormBase. CONSRTM WormBase Consortium JOURNAL Submitted (04-FEB-2024) to the INSDC. WormBase Group, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK. Email: REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 17718942) AUTHORS Sulson J.E., Waterston R. JOURNAL Submitted (03-MAR-2003) to the INSDC. Nematode Sequencing Project: Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK and The Genome Institute at Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA. REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 17718942) AUTHORS Sulson J.E., Waterston R. CONSRTM Caenorhabditis elegans Sequencing Consortium TITLE Genome sequence of the nematode C. elegans: a platform for investigating biology JOURNAL Science 282(5396), 2012-2018(1998). COMMENT Annotated features correspond to WormBase release WS292. Protein-coding gene structures below are the result of integration and manual review of the following types of data: ab initio predictions by Genefinder (P. Green and L. Hillier, pers. comm.); alignments to published proteins and cDNAs; genome sequence conservation with other nematodes (e.g. to C. briggsae using WABA: Genome Res. 2000. 10:1115-1125); sequence features (such as trans-splice and polyA sites). Sources of data: large-scale EST projects of Yuji Kohara (; ORFeome cloning project (; RST large-scale sequencing project (Genome Res. 2009. 19:2334-2342); IST library (Science. 2004. 303:540-3); RT-PCR EST set (Ewing B. Green P. 2010 Unpublished); UTRome EST data submission (UTRome v1 Mangone M. Piano F. 2009); TEC-RED data (PNAS 2004. 101:1650-1655); RNA Deep sequencing data (454 read clusters - Makedonka Mitreva, unpublished; Illumina sequence data, Genome Res. 2009. 19:657-66); Numerous data sets from the modENCODE project (Science. 2010. 330:1775-87); Individual C. elegans Nucleotide Database submissions; Personal communications with C. elegans researchers; Non-Coding gene structures below are derived using the following methods and data: ab initio prediction of tRNAs by tRNAscan-SE (Nucl. Acids. Res., 25, 955-964); integration and appraisal of miRNAs from miRBase (; integration and appraisal of RFAM predictions (; 21U-RNAs (Cell. 2006. 127:1193-1207); modENCODE data (Science. 2010. 330:1775-87); manual curation of novel published ncRNAs from the literature. FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Caenorhabditis elegans" /chromosome="X" /strain="Bristol N2" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /db_xref="taxon:6239" protein /transl_table=1 /gene="daf-3" /locus_tag="CELE_F25E2.5" /standard_name="F25E2.5f" /note="Confirmed by transcript evidence" /db_xref="EnsemblGenomes-Gn:WBGene00000899" /db_xref="EnsemblGenomes-Tr:F25E2.5f" /db_xref="GOA:A0A0K3AWB3" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR001132" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR003619" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR008984" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR013019" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR013790" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR017855" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR036578" /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:A0A0K3AWB3" /db_xref="WormBase:WBGene00000899" intron_pos 9:1 (1/13) intron_pos 72:1 (2/13) intron_pos 124:1 (3/13) intron_pos 175:0 (4/13) intron_pos 255:0 (5/13) intron_pos 297:0 (6/13) intron_pos 517:1 (7/13) intron_pos 561:0 (8/13) intron_pos 601:2 (9/13) intron_pos 619:1 (10/13) intron_pos 676:2 (11/13) intron_pos 779:0 (12/13) intron_pos 824:2 (13/13) BEGIN 1 MGDHHNLTGL PGTSIPPQFN YSQPGTSTGG PLYGGKPSHG LEDIPDVEEY ERNLLGAGAG 61 FNLLNVGNMA NVPDEHTPMM SPVNTTTKIL QRSGIKMEIP PYLDPDSQDD DPEDGVNYPD 121 PDLFDTKNTN MTEYDLDVLK LGKPAVDEAR KKIEVPDASA PPNKIVEYLM YYRTLKESEL 181 IQLNAYRTKR NRLSLNLVKN NIDREFDQKA CESLVKKLKD KKNDLQNLID VVLSKGTKYT 241 GCITIPRTLD GRLQVHGRKG FPHVVYGKLW RFNEMTKNET RHVDHCKHAF EMKSDMVCVN 301 PYHYEIVIGT MIVGQRDHDN RDMPPPHQRY HTPGRQDPVD DMSRFIPPAS IRPPPMNMHT 361 RPQPMPQQLP SVGATFAHPL PHQAPHNPGV SHPYSIAPQT HYPLNMNPIP QMPQMPQMPP 421 PLHQGYGMNG PSCSSENNNP FHQNHHYNDI SHPNHYSYDC GPNLYGFPTP YPDFHHPFNQ 481 QPHQPPQLSQ NHTSQQGSHQ PGHQGQVPND PPISRPVLQP STVTLDVFRR YCRQTFGNRF 541 FEGESEQSGA IIRSSNKFIE EFDSPICGVT VVRPRMTDGE VLENIMPEDA PYHDICKFIL 601 RLTSESVTFS GEGPEVSDLN EKWGTIVYYE KNLQIGEKKC SRGNFHVDGG FICSENRYSL 661 GLEPNPIREP VAFKVRKAIV DGIRFSYKKD GSVWLQNRMK YPVFVTSGYL DEQSGGLKKD 721 KVHKVYGCAS IKTFGFNVSK QIIRDALLSK QMATMYLQGK LTPMNYIYEK KTQEELRREA 781 TRTTDSLAKY CCVRVSFCKG FGEAYPERPS IHDCPVWIEL KINIAYDFMD SICQYITNCF 841 EPLGMEDFAK LGINVSDD //