LOCUS CAB43673.1 487 aa PRT HUM 15-OCT-2008 DEFINITION Homo sapiens hypothetical protein protein. ACCESSION AL050356-1 PROTEIN_ID CAB43673.1 SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2417) AUTHORS Koehrer K., Beyer A., Mewes H.W., Gassenhuber J., Wiemann S. JOURNAL Submitted (10-MAR-1999) to the INSDC. MIPS, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, GERMANY REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Wiemann S., Weil B., Wellenreuther R., Gassenhuber J., Glassl S., Ansorge W., Boecher M., Bloecker H., Bauersachs S., Blum H., Lauber J., Duesterhoeft A., Beyer A., Koehrer K., Strack N., Mewes H.W., Ottenwaelder B., Obermaier B., Tampe J., Heubner D., Wambutt R., Korn B., Klein M., Poustka A. TITLE Toward a catalog of human genes and proteins: sequencing and analysis of 500 novel complete protein coding human cDNAs JOURNAL Genome Res. 11(3), 422-435(2001). PUBMED 11230166 COMMENT Clone from S. Wiemann, Molecular Genome Analysis, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ); Email; sequenced by BMFZ (Biomedical Research Center at the Charite, Berlin/Germany) within the cDNA sequencing consortium of the German Genome Project. This clone (DKFZp564L2016) is available at the RZPD in Berlin. Please contact the RZPD: Ressourcenzentrum, Heubnerweg 6, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg, GERMANY; Email: Further information about the clone and the sequencing project is available at FEATURES Qualifiers source /db_xref="H-InvDB:HIT000024143" /organism="Homo sapiens" /mol_type="mRNA" /dev_stage="fetal" /clone_lib="564 (synonym: hfbr2). Vector pAMP1; host Xl-2blue; sites NotI + SalI" /clone="DKFZp564L2016" /tissue_type="brain" /note="complete cds. frame shift between 741-748" /db_xref="taxon:9606" protein /gene="DKFZp564L2016" /note="multiple inositol polyphosphate phosphatase" /note="The frame shift was determined manually" /db_xref="GOA:Q9UNW1" /db_xref="H-InvDB:HIT000024143.15" /db_xref="HGNC:HGNC:7102" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000560" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR016274" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR029033" /db_xref="UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:Q9UNW1" intron_pos 241:0 (1/1) BEGIN 1 MLRAPGCLLR TSVAPAAALA AALLSSLARC SLLEPRDPVA SSLSPYFGTK TRYEDVNPVL 61 LSGPEAPWRD PELLEGTCTP AQLVALIRHG TRYPTVKQIR KLRQLHGLLQ ARGSRDGGAS 121 STGSRDLGAA LADWPLWYAD WMDGQLVEKG RQDMRQLALR LASLFPALFS RENYGRLRLI 181 TSSKHRCMDS SAAFLQGLWQ HYHPGLPPPD VADMEFGPPT VNDKLMRFFD HCEKFLTEVE 241 KNATALYHVE AFKTGPEMQN ILKKVAATLQ VPVNDLNADL IQVAFFTCSF DLAIKGVKSP 301 WCDVFDIDDA KVLEYLNDLK QYWKRGYGYT INSRSSCTLF QDISQHLDKA VEQKQRSQPI 361 SSPVILQFGH AETLLPLLSL MGYFKDKEPL TAYNYKKQMH RKFRSGLIVP YASNLIFVLY 421 HCENAKTPKE QFRVQMLLNE KVLPLAYSQE TVSFYEDLKN HYKDILQSCQ TSEECELARA 481 NSTSDEL //