LOCUS BAL16231.1 263 aa PRT BCT 07-OCT-2016 DEFINITION Bacillus cereus NC7401 tellurium resistance protein, putative protein. ACCESSION AP007209-438 PROTEIN_ID BAL16231.1 SOURCE Bacillus cereus NC7401 ORGANISM Bacillus cereus NC7401 Bacteria; Bacillota; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus; Bacillus cereus group. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5221581) AUTHORS Hattori,M., Yamashita,A., Toh,H., Oshima,K. and Shiba,T. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (01-JUL-2004) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Masahira Hattori Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo; 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8561, Japan REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Takeno,A., Okamoto,A., Tori,K., Oshima,K., Hirakawa,H., Toh,H., Agata,N., Yamada,K., Ogasawara,N., Hayashi,T., Shimizu,T., Kuhara,S., Hattori,M. and Ohta,M. TITLE Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus cereus NC7401, Which Produces High Levels of the Emetic Toxin Cereulide JOURNAL J. Bacteriol. 194, 4767-4768 (2012) COMMENT This work was done in collaboration with Keizo Torii, Akira Takeno, Kumiko Kawamura, Tadao Hasegawa, Michio Ohta (University of Nagoya), Norio Agata (Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute), Hideki Hirakawa, Satoru Kuhara (Kyushu University), Tohru Shimizu (Kanazawa University), Tetsuya Hayashi (University of Miyazaki) , Naotake Ogasawara (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) and supported by the Research for the Future Program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. FEATURES Qualifiers source /db_xref="taxon:334406" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /organism="Bacillus cereus NC7401" /strain="NC7401" protein /locus_tag="BCN_0438" /note="similar to gpu:AE017265_233 [Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987], percent identity 96 in 263 aa, BLASTP E(): e-142" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MSILQGILDT YAQFFDLDMW IKVLQDPVSW GLIGTLVVLE GLLSADNALV LAVMVKHLPE 61 EKRKKALFYG LIGAYVFRFI AIGIGMFLIK LAWVKVLGAL YLAWLSVKYF IDKRKGNAEE 121 EEAHGMNQNS VLFRMFGVFW GTVAMVELMD IAFSVDSVLA AFGVSNEVWI LLLGGMLGIL 181 MMRGIAGVFL KLLERIPELE TTAYILILII AAKMLLSVIH IEISHTVFFI ILVVAFGATF 241 ILHYMKNSGQ AKEEVAATKE DNK //