LOCUS BAH47257.1 194 aa PRT BCT 07-OCT-2016 DEFINITION Rhodococcus opacus B4 hypothetical protein protein. ACCESSION AP011119-4 PROTEIN_ID BAH47257.1 SOURCE Rhodococcus opacus B4 ORGANISM Rhodococcus opacus B4 Bacteria; Actinomycetota; Actinomycetes; Mycobacteriales; Nocardiaceae; Rhodococcus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 4367) AUTHORS Sekine,M., Hosoyama,A., Kosugi,H., Yamada,R., Matsuo,Y., Tsukatani,N., Fujisawa,T., Takarada,H., Omata,S., Kishi,E., Shimizu,A., Koga,C., Saito,S., Nakazawa,H., Sekigawa,T., Nishiko,R., Takeyama,M., Tanikawa,S., Tago,S., Fujita,N., Kato,J., Na,K.S., Ohtake,H., Nagayasu,K. and Harayama,S. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (30-MAR-2009) to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Contact:Director-General Department of Biotechnology National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, NITE Genome Analysis Center (NGAC), Department of Biotechnology; 2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0066, Japan URL : REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Takarada,H., Sekine,M., Hosoyama,A., Yamada,R., Fujisawa,T., Omata,S., Shimizu,A., Tsukatani,N., Tanikawa,S., Fujita,N. and Harayama,S. TITLE Comparison of the complete genome sequences of Rhodococcus erythropolis PR4 and Rhodococcus opacus B4 JOURNAL Unpublished (2009) REFERENCE 3 AUTHORS Na,K.S., Nagayasu,K., Kuroda,A., Takiguchi,N., Ikeda,T., Ohtake,H. and Kato,J. TITLE Development of a genetic transformation system for benzene-tolerant Rhodococcus opacus strains. JOURNAL J. Biosci. Bioeng. 99, 408-414 (2005) COMMENT Kato,J., Na,K., Ohtake,H. and Nagayasu,K. are at Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Hiroshima University. Rhodococcus opacus B-4 strain was isolated as a benzene-tolerant bacterium (Kyung-su Na et al 2005). The complete genome analysis of R. opacus B-4 was carried out by NITE. The genome analysis indicated that this strain has one linear chromosome, two linear plasmids pROB01, pROB02, and three circular plasmids pKNR, pKNR01, pKNR02. The nucleotide sequence of the linear plasmid pKNR01 was previously determined independently by Kato et al and was registered with the accession number AB193159, which is now merged with this record with the permission of Dr. Kato. The differences between the entry AB193159 and this record are as follows. 'A' was deleted between positions 2211 and 2212. 'T' was deleted between positions 2329 and 2330. 'G' at position 2719 replaced 'C'. This work was supported by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). Please visit our web site. URL: DOGAN ; Database of Genomes Analyzed at NITE The database contains genome sequence data, physical maps and the genomic and proteomic data of the microorganisms analyzed. URL: The microbial genomic DNA clones used for the sequencing project are available through the NBRC. URL: FEATURES Qualifiers source /db_xref="taxon:632772" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /organism="Rhodococcus opacus B4" /plasmid="pKNR01" /strain="B4" protein /locus_tag="ROP_pKNR01-00040" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MTTPRCPRCD REIESNTSAV HGRGRPRKWC SDECRKLASE ERRAAERGIV AVELRERVVE 61 VEKVVHRPAT TAASIDRVLD DDQALQKLLN TLRHRIKEGT YRPNRDPGTA MWMLQRLTAP 121 VADLLAQIHS SAGTTPPMDP AQAVRTVLHS PRSCRAVLEG LERMARSGEL DGGQHTATLI 181 ALDRLVARTR RQSR //