LOCUS ASS96650.1 467 aa PRT BCT 08-AUG-2017 DEFINITION Peribacillus simplex NBRC 15720 = DSM 1321 lysine 2,3- aminomutase protein. ACCESSION CP017704-4630 PROTEIN_ID ASS96650.1 SOURCE Peribacillus simplex NBRC 15720 = DSM 1321 ORGANISM Peribacillus simplex NBRC 15720 = DSM 1321 Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Peribacillus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5645783) AUTHORS Park,M.-K., Lee,Y.-J., Yi,H., Bahn,Y.-S., Kim,J.F. and Lee,D.-W. TITLE The whole genome sequencing and assembly of Bacillus simplex DSM 1321 strain JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5645783) AUTHORS Park,M.-K., Lee,Y.-J., Yi,H., Bahn,Y.-S., Kim,J.F. and Lee,D.-W. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (17-OCT-2016) Kyungpook National University, School of Applied Biosciences, 80 Daehak-Ro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566, South Korea COMMENT Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: This genome has a base modification file available. ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: SMRT analysis 2.3 v. HGAP protocol 2 Genome Coverage :: missing Sequencing Technology :: PacBio ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 10/17/2016 13:55:10 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set; GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.3 Features Annotated :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA; ncRNA; repeat_region Genes (total) :: 5,348 CDS (total) :: 5,228 Genes (coding) :: 5,118 CDS (coding) :: 5,118 Genes (RNA) :: 120 rRNAs :: 13, 12, 12 (5S, 16S, 23S) complete rRNAs :: 13, 12, 12 (5S, 16S, 23S) tRNAs :: 77 ncRNAs :: 6 Pseudo Genes (total) :: 110 Pseudo Genes (ambiguous residues) :: 0 of 110 Pseudo Genes (frameshifted) :: 73 of 110 Pseudo Genes (incomplete) :: 32 of 110 Pseudo Genes (internal stop) :: 34 of 110 Pseudo Genes (multiple problems) :: 28 of 110 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Peribacillus simplex NBRC 15720 = DSM 1321" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="DSM 1321" /isolation_source="soil" /type_material="type strain of Bacillus simplex" /db_xref="taxon:1349754" /collection_date="1989" protein /locus_tag="BS1321_23740" /inference="EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_000902133.1" /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MLFDLYKPDR NWKDIELWKD VTEEQWNNWL WQLTNTIRTV DDLKKVINLT PDEEEGVRIS 61 TKTIPLNITP YYASLMNKDD PRCPIRMQSV PISEEMHKTK YDMEDPLHED EDSPVPGLTH 121 RYPDRVLFLV TNQCSMYCRY CTRRRFSGQI GMGVPKKQLD AAIGYIRDTP AVRDVLISGG 181 DGLLINDTIL EYILKNLREI PHVEIIRIGT RAPVVFPQRI TENLCAILKK YHPVWLNTHF 241 NTSIEITEES KKACEMLADA GVPVGNQAVI LAGINDSVAI MKKLMHDLVK IRVRPYYIYQ 301 CDLSEGIGHF RAPISKGIEI IEGLRGHTSG YAVPTFVVDA PGGGGKITLQ PNYILSQSPT 361 KTVLRNFEGV ITTYPEPEQY TPGLADDYFK GVYPDMEEKQ SDIGVSGLMN DKQFNLVPEG 421 LKRMNRRENY VTNPEHASLK NQREKRDLLK EKKFQAQQKK STPKGDE //