LOCUS AGC69209.1 298 aa PRT BCT 06-SEP-2017 DEFINITION Thermoclostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium DSM 8532 farnesyl diphosphate synthase protein. ACCESSION CP004044-2174 PROTEIN_ID AGC69209.1 SOURCE Thermoclostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium DSM 8532 ORGANISM Thermoclostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium DSM 8532 Bacteria; Firmicutes; Clostridia; Eubacteriales; Oscillospiraceae; Thermoclostridium. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2974379) AUTHORS Poehlein,A., Zverlov,V.V., Daniel,R., Schwarz,W.H. and Liebl,W. TITLE Complete Genome Sequence of Clostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium Strain DSM 8532, a Thermophilic Degrader of Plant Cell Wall Fibers JOURNAL Genome Announc 1 (2), E0007313 (2013) PUBMED 23516204 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2974379) AUTHORS Poehlein,A., Zverlov,V., Schwarz,W., Liebl,W. and Daniel,R. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (14-JAN-2013) Genomic and Applied Microbiology and Goettingen Genomics Laboratory, Georg-August-University-Goettingen, Grisebachstr. 8, Goettingen, Lower Saxony 37077, Germany COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Newbler v. 2.6; MIRA v. 3.5 Coverage :: 81.71 Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing; 454; Illumina ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Thermoclostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium DSM 8532" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="DSM 8532" /sub_species="stercorarium" /culture_collection="DSM:8532" /type_material="type strain of Thermoclostridium stercorarium" /db_xref="taxon:1121335" protein /locus_tag="Cst_c22490" /EC_number="" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MNFKEEMRNL TTLVDDYLVK YFDRLNREVP EKRLVESMSY SVMAGGKRIR PVLMLAVTKM 61 LSGDPQEVMP FAAAIEMIHT YSLIHDDLPA MDNDDYRRGK LTNHKVFGEA MAILAGDALL 121 NEAFSLLFEA SANAGDKMEH WVKASCIIAR AAGRDGMIAG QVIDMESEGT QVSATKLKTM 181 HRKKTGALIT ASVIVPAVFL GLSEDKIKAL TEYAENIGIA FQIRDDILDV EGTIEELGKP 241 VGSDERNRKT TYVSLYGLDG AKEMLREVTR KAVESLDVFG ERAWFLKEIA YYIAERRN //