LOCUS ADU46936.1 271 aa PRT BCT 08-JAN-2015 DEFINITION Intrasporangium calvum DSM 43043 putative transcriptional regulator protein. ACCESSION CP002343-374 PROTEIN_ID ADU46936.1 SOURCE Intrasporangium calvum DSM 43043 ORGANISM Intrasporangium calvum DSM 43043 Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Micrococcales; Intrasporangiaceae; Intrasporangium. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 4024382) AUTHORS Del Rio,T.G., Chertkov,O., Yasawong,M., Lucas,S., Deshpande,S., Cheng,J.F., Detter,C., Tapia,R., Han,C., Goodwin,L., Pitluck,S., Liolios,K., Ivanova,N., Mavromatis,K., Pati,A., Chen,A., Palaniappan,K., Land,M., Hauser,L., Chang,Y.J., Jeffries,C.D., Rohde,M., Pukall,R., Sikorski,J., Goker,M., Woyke,T., Bristow,J., Eisen,J.A., Markowitz,V., Hugenholtz,P., Kyrpides,N.C., Klenk,H.P. and Lapidus,A. TITLE Complete genome sequence of Intrasporangium calvum type strain (7 KIP) JOURNAL Stand Genomic Sci 3 (3), 294-303 (2010) PUBMED 21304734 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 4024382) AUTHORS Lucas,S., Copeland,A., Lapidus,A., Glavina del Rio,T., Bruce,D., Goodwin,L., Pitluck,S., Kyrpides,N., Mavromatis,K., Ivanova,N., Chertkov,O., Brettin,T., Tapia,R., Detter,J.C., Han,C., Land,M., Hauser,L., Markowitz,V., Cheng,J.-F., Hugenholtz,P., Woyke,T., Wu,D., Pukall,R., Gehrich-Schroeter,G., Schneider,S., Klenk,H.-P. and Eisen,J.A. CONSRTM US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) TITLE The complete genome of Intrasporangium calvum DSM 43043 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4024382) AUTHORS Lucas,S., Copeland,A., Lapidus,A., Glavina del Rio,T., Bruce,D., Goodwin,L., Pitluck,S., Kyrpides,N., Mavromatis,K., Ivanova,N., Chertkov,O., Brettin,T., Detter,J.C., Tapia,R., Han,C., Land,M., Hauser,L., Markowitz,V., Cheng,J.-F., Hugenholtz,P., Woyke,T., Wu,D., Pukall,R., Gehrich-Schroeter,G., Schneider,S., Klenk,H.-P. and Eisen,J.A. CONSRTM US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (17-NOV-2010) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA COMMENT URL -- JGI Project ID: 4083316 Source DNA and organism available from Hans-Peter Klenk at the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ) ( Contacts: Jonathan A. Eisen ( David Bruce ( Whole genome sequencing and draft assembly at JGI-PGF Finishing done by JGI-LANL Annotation by JGI-ORNL and JGI-PGF The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. ( ##MIGS-Data-START## investigation_type :: bacteria_archaea project_name :: Intrasporangium calvum 7KIP, DSM 43043 collection_date :: 1967 lat_lon :: 55.753 37.604 depth :: Missing alt_elev :: Missing country :: Russia environment :: Air num_replicons :: Missing ref_biomaterial :: DSM 43043, ATCC 23552, CUB 430, IFO 12989, IMET 7816, JCM 3097, KCC A-0097, NBRC 12989, NCIB 10167 biotic_relationship :: Free living trophic_level :: Chemoorganotroph rel_to_oxygen :: Aerobe isol_growth_condt :: Missing sequencing_meth :: WGS assembly :: Newbler v. 2.3 (pre-release) finishing_strategy :: Finished GOLD Stamp ID :: Gi02320 Type Strain :: Yes Greengenes ID :: 90541 Funding Program :: DOE-GEBA 2007 Number of Reads :: 847906 pyrosequencing, 11758818 Illumina Gene Calling Method :: Prodigal 1.4, GenePRIMP Isolation Site :: Air in a school dining room Isolation Comments :: isolated by L.V. Kalakoutskii Motility :: Nonmotile Sporulation :: Nonsporulating Temperature Range :: Mesophile Temperature Optimum :: 37C Gram Staining :: Gram+ Diseases :: None ##MIGS-Data-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Finishing Goal :: Finished Current Finishing Status :: Finished Assembly Method :: Newbler v. 2.3 Genome Coverage :: 30x Sequencing Technology :: 454-FLX, 454-Titanium, Illumina GAii ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Intrasporangium calvum DSM 43043" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="DSM 43043" /isolation_source="air in a school dining room" /culture_collection="DSM:43043" /type_material="type strain of Intrasporangium calvum" /db_xref="taxon:710696" /country="Russia" /lat_lon="55.753 N 37.604 E" /collection_date="1967" /collected_by="L.V. Kalakoutskii" protein /locus_tag="Intca_0387" /note="COGs: COG2345 transcriptional regulator protein; KEGG: nca:Noca_2106 transcriptional regulator; SPTR: Transcriptional regulator; PFAM: IclR helix-turn-helix domain" /transl_table=11 BEGIN 1 MAQTASVSAG PGTDLLGSPV RRTIVDTLAN LPTGVDPESG AVIPHPGLRA QDLANRLGLH 61 VTTVRFHLDQ LVAAGLLRTS FQRRKEAGRP RKLYAIEQGS LGHVTSDQSY RMLTELLVET 121 LSSGSDAMPN TPEEAGARWG RRHVLDGHVG LIGQQAARSP GRWLGKIGQM VDLLREWGYS 181 PEVSTTNDGR TARVALHDCP FLPLAKDNTA VVCGIHRGLI RGVLEALGED STEVGLTPFV 241 APSLCIAALT THSSFEHPTT LNHPPRQGDH P //