LOCUS ADD39126.1 709 aa PRT VRL 12-OCT-2016 DEFINITION Human betaherpesvirus 5 capsid maturation protease protein. ACCESSION GU937742-76 PROTEIN_ID ADD39126.1 SOURCE Human betaherpesvirus 5 (HHV-5) ORGANISM Human betaherpesvirus 5 Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Peploviricota; Herviviricetes; Herpesvirales; Orthoherpesviridae; Betaherpesvirinae; Cytomegalovirus; Cytomegalovirus humanbeta5. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 235404) AUTHORS Davison,A.J., Akter,P., Cunningham,C., Dolan,A., Addison,C., Dargan,D.J., Hassan-Walker,A.F., Emery,V.C., Griffiths,P.D. and Wilkinson,G.W. TITLE Homology between the human cytomegalovirus RL11 gene family and human adenovirus E3 genes JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 84 (PT 3), 657-663 (2003) PUBMED 12604818 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 235404) AUTHORS Akter,P., Cunningham,C., McSharry,B.P., Dolan,A., Addison,C., Dargan,D.J., Hassan-Walker,A.F., Emery,V.C., Griffiths,P.D., Wilkinson,G.W. and Davison,A.J. TITLE Two novel spliced genes in human cytomegalovirus JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 84 (PT 5), 1117-1122 (2003) PUBMED 12692276 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 235404) AUTHORS Dolan,A., Cunningham,C., Hector,R.D., Hassan-Walker,A.F., Lee,L., Addison,C., Dargan,D.J., McGeoch,D.J., Gatherer,D., Emery,V.C., Griffiths,P.D., Sinzger,C., McSharry,B.P., Wilkinson,G.W. and Davison,A.J. TITLE Genetic content of wild-type human cytomegalovirus JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 85 (PT 5), 1301-1312 (2004) PUBMED 15105547 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 235404) AUTHORS Davison,A.J. TITLE Human cytomegalovirus RL11 gene family: variation, recombination and transcription JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 235404) AUTHORS Davison,A.J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (26-FEB-2010) MRC Virology Unit, Church Street, Glasgow G11 5JR, UK REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 235404) AUTHORS Davison,A.J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (12-OCT-2016) MRC Virology Unit, Church Street, Glasgow G11 5JR, UK REMARK Sequence update by submitter COMMENT On Oct 12, 2016 this sequence version replaced GU937742.1. The original gene nomenclature has been retained. Genes presumably inherited from the common ancestor of alpha-, beta- and gammaherpesviruses (core genes), from the common ancestor of beta- and gammaherpesviruses (betagamma genes), or from the common ancestor of betaherpesviruses (beta genes) are indicated. A standard protein nomenclature has been applied so that orthologs have the same name in all herpesviruses. FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Human betaherpesvirus 5" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="Toledo" /isolation_source="urine from a congenitally infected infant" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:10359" /country="USA" /collection_date="1984" /note="passaged several times in human fibroblasts; contains inversion of 14336 bp region (genes UL128 to UL133); 3 genes are mutated (RL13, UL9 and UL128); acronym: HCMV; acronym: HHV-5" protein /gene="UL80" /EC_number="" /note="serine protease (N-terminal region); minor scaffold protein (remainder of protein, clipped near C terminus); involved in capsid morphogenesis" BEGIN 1 MTMDEQQPQA VAPVYVGGFL ARYDQSPDEA ELLLPRDVVE HWLYAQSQGQ PSLSVALPLN 61 INHDDTAVVG HVAAMQSVRD GLFCLGCVTS PRFLEIVRRA SEKSELVSRG PVSPLQPDKV 121 VEFLSGSYAG LSLSSRRCDD VEAATSLSGS ETTPFKHVAL CSVGRRRGTL AVYGRDPEWV 181 TQRFPDLTAA DRDGLRAQWQ RCGSTAVDAS GDPFRSDSYG LLGNSVDALY IRERLPKLRY 241 DKQLVGVTER ESYVKASVSP EAACDIKAAS AERSGDSRSQ AATPATGARV PSSSPSPPVE 301 PPSPVQPPAL PASPSVLPAE SPPSLSPSEP AEAASMSHPL SAAVTAATAP PGATVAGASP 361 AVPSLAWPHD GVYLPKDAFF SLLGASRSAA PVMYPGAVAA PPSASPAPLP LPSYPASYGA 421 PVVGYDQLAV RHFADYVDPH YPGWGRRYEP APSLHPSYPV PPPPSPAYYR RRDSPGGMDE 481 PPSGWERYDG GHRGQSQKQH RHGGSGGHNK RRKEAAAASS SSSSDEDLSF PGEAEHGRAR 541 KRLKSHVNSD GGSGGHAGSN QQQQQRYDEL RDAIHELKRD LFAARQSSTL LSAALPAAAS 601 SSPTTTTVCT PTGELTSGGG ETPTALLSGG AKVAERAQAG VVNASCRLAT ASGSEAATAG 661 PSTAGSSSCP ASVVLAAAAA QAAAASQSPP KDMVDLNRRI FVAALNKLE //