LOCUS ACV54066.1 477 aa PRT BCT 11-DEC-2013 DEFINITION Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 transcriptional regulator, LuxR family protein. ACCESSION CP001726-71 PROTEIN_ID ACV54066.1 SOURCE Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 ORGANISM Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Coriobacteriia; Eggerthellales; Eggerthellaceae; Eggerthella. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 3632260) AUTHORS Saunders,E., Pukall,R., Abt,B., Lapidus,A., Glavina Del Rio,T., Copeland,A., Tice,H., Cheng,J.F., Lucas,S., Chen,F., Nolan,M., Bruce,D., Goodwin,L., Pitluck,S., Ivanova,N., Mavromatis,K., Ovchinnikova,G., Pati,A., Chen,A., Palaniappan,K., Land,M., Hauser,L., Chang,Y.J., Jeffries,C.D., Chain,P., Meincke,L., Sims,D., Brettin,T., Detter,J.C., Goker,M., Bristow,J., Eisen,J.A., Markowitz,V., Hugenholtz,P., Kyrpides,N.C., Klenk,H.P. and Han,C. TITLE Complete genome sequence of Eggerthella lenta type strain (IPP VPI 0255) JOURNAL Stand Genomic Sci 1 (2), 174-182 (2009) PUBMED 21304654 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 3632260) AUTHORS Lucas,S., Copeland,A., Lapidus,A., Glavina del Rio,T., Dalin,E., Tice,H., Bruce,D., Goodwin,L., Pitluck,S., Kyrpides,N., Mavromatis,K., Ivanova,N., Ovchinnikova,G., Saunders,E., Brettin,T., Detter,J.C., Han,C., Larimer,F., Land,M., Hauser,L., Markowitz,V., Cheng,J.-F., Hugenholtz,P., Woyke,T., Wu,D., Pukall,R., Klenk,H.-P. and Eisen,J.A. CONSRTM US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) TITLE The complete genome of Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 3632260) AUTHORS Lucas,S., Copeland,A., Lapidus,A., Glavina del Rio,T., Dalin,E., Tice,H., Bruce,D., Goodwin,L., Pitluck,S., Kyrpides,N., Mavromatis,K., Ivanova,N., Ovchinnikova,G., Saunders,E., Brettin,T., Detter,J.C., Han,C., Larimer,F., Land,M., Hauser,L., Markowitz,V., Cheng,J.-F., Hugenholtz,P., Woyke,T., Wu,D., Pukall,R., Klenk,H.-P. and Eisen,J.A. CONSRTM US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI-PGF) TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-SEP-2009) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA COMMENT URL -- JGI Project ID: 4082980 Source DNA and organism available from Hans-Peter Klenk at the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ) ( Contacts: Jonathan A. Eisen ( David Bruce ( Whole genome sequencing and draft assembly at JGI-PGF Finishing done by JGI-LANL Annotation by JGI-ORNL and JGI-PGF The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. ( ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Eggerthella lenta VPI 0255, DSM 2243 Culture Collection ID :: DSM 2243, ATCC 25559, JCM 9979 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gc01054 Funding Program :: DOE-GEBA 2007 Number of Reads :: 39464-Sanger, 471609-454 Assembly Method :: Newbler version, Phrap Sequencing Depth :: 10.2x Sanger; 25.3x 454 Gene Calling Method :: Prodigal Isolation Site :: Rectal tumor Collection Date :: 1938 Host Name :: Homo sapiens Host Health :: Patient with rectal tumor Body Sample Site :: Blood Oxygen Requirement :: Anaerobe Cell Shape :: Rod-shaped Motility :: Nonmotile Sporulation :: Nonsporulating Temperature Range :: Mesophile Temperature Optimum :: 37C Gram Staining :: gram+ Biotic Relationship :: Free living Diseases :: Bacteremia Habitat :: Blood, Host, Human intestinal microflora Phenotypes :: Pathogen ##Metadata-END## FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="DSM 2243" /culture_collection="DSM:2243" /type_material="type strain of Eggerthella lenta" /db_xref="taxon:479437" protein /locus_tag="Elen_0072" /inference="protein motif:PFAM:PF00196" /note="PFAM: regulatory protein LuxR; SMART: regulatory protein LuxR; KEGG: pap:PSPA7_3842 putative transcriptional regulator" /transl_table=11 /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000792" BEGIN 1 MNAHASDKTR ILALAAVATL GFGLLQGARL LDLNTGPYSP SPYALVGLAA DGLTFLVVAV 61 LSYLGRIDRA KPLFVAAVVV SSIYAVLVAS GNTNDIALIA MQVTAGMGWS LSILCWMEVF 121 TSYRPRLSLP LIAVAYLIDT LLPPLTSSLF PGGRSIMLLA SFVLSTAALL WCLRNNAFVA 181 QQMKESVAPA TSMAEALSRT KRAVAGTFAF SLICGFVIEL DIHNNLQYAQ TDLTGLFGII 241 AAVAMLAVLL VAKPRKANID YITPITALCL VTILLYRSLN VADGHVAGSL MTAFLISFYV 301 LLWLMFISEA NERKLPAFFL LGLALGVARL SVALGRFAAQ TLLEQTGVDP QLALVGSVWL 361 LVATLALMFC SYLRYASKRD AVGDASAPEE AAAVPLAHLS AGDALVQMKG TYELTNREFE 421 VIEEFAAGRS ARAIAERFTL SEHTVKTHLR HAYAKMDVHS RQELLDLIEE TSAAKKS //