LOCUS ACS93402.1 946 aa PRT VRL 09-MAY-2013 DEFINITION Human betaherpesvirus 5 helicase-primase primase subunit protein. ACCESSION GQ221974-65 PROTEIN_ID ACS93402.1 SOURCE Human betaherpesvirus 5 (HHV-5) ORGANISM Human betaherpesvirus 5 Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Peploviricota; Herviviricetes; Herpesvirales; Orthoherpesviridae; Betaherpesvirinae; Cytomegalovirus; Cytomegalovirus humanbeta5. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 235154) AUTHORS Davison,A.J., Akter,P., Cunningham,C., Dolan,A., Addison,C., Dargan,D.J., Hassan-Walker,A.F., Emery,V.C., Griffiths,P.D. and Wilkinson,G.W. TITLE Homology between the human cytomegalovirus RL11 gene family and human adenovirus E3 genes JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 84 (PT 3), 657-663 (2003) PUBMED 12604818 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 235154) AUTHORS Akter,P., Cunningham,C., McSharry,B.P., Dolan,A., Addison,C., Dargan,D.J., Hassan-Walker,A.F., Emery,V.C., Griffiths,P.D., Wilkinson,G.W. and Davison,A.J. TITLE Two novel spliced genes in human cytomegalovirus JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 84 (PT 5), 1117-1122 (2003) PUBMED 12692276 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 235154) AUTHORS Dolan,A., Cunningham,C., Hector,R.D., Hassan-Walker,A.F., Lee,L., Addison,C., Dargan,D.J., McGeoch,D.J., Gatherer,D., Emery,V.C., Griffiths,P.D., Sinzger,C., McSharry,B.P., Wilkinson,G.W. and Davison,A.J. TITLE Genetic content of wild-type human cytomegalovirus JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 85 (PT 5), 1301-1312 (2004) PUBMED 15105547 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 235154) AUTHORS Griffin,C., Wang,E.C., McSharry,B.P., Rickards,C., Browne,H., Wilkinson,G.W. and Tomasec,P. TITLE Characterization of a highly glycosylated form of the human cytomegalovirus HLA class I homologue gpUL18 JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 86 (PT 11), 2999-3008 (2005) PUBMED 16227221 REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 235154) AUTHORS Cunningham,C., Gatherer,D., Hilfrich,B., Baluchova,K., Dargan,D.J., Thomson,M., Griffiths,P.D., Wilkinson,G.W., Schulz,T.F. and Davison,A.J. TITLE Sequences of complete human cytomegalovirus genomes from infected cell cultures and clinical specimens JOURNAL J. Gen. Virol. 91 (PT 3), 605-615 (2010) PUBMED 19906940 REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 235154) AUTHORS Davison,A.J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (28-MAY-2009) MRC Virology Unit, Church Street, Glasgow G11 5JR, UK COMMENT On or before Aug 17, 2009 this sequence version replaced AY446863.1, AY446867.1, AY446875.1, AY169795.2, AY156040.1, AY325311.1, DQ195526.1. The original gene nomenclature has been retained. Genes presumably inherited from the common ancestor of alpha-, beta- and gammaherpesviruses (core genes), from the common ancestor of beta- and gammaherpesviruses (betagamma genes), or from the common ancestor of betaherpesviruses (beta genes) are indicated. A standard protein nomenclature has been applied so that orthologs have the same name in all herpesviruses. FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Human betaherpesvirus 5" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="3157" /isolation_source="urine from a congenitally infected infant" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:10359" /country="United Kingdom" /collection_date="2001" /note="sequenced at passage 3 in human fibroblasts; three genes are mutated (RL13, UL40 and UL128); acronym: HCMV; acronym: HHV-5" protein /gene="UL70" /note="involved in DNA replication" BEGIN 1 MTLVLFATEY DSAHIVANVL SQTPTDHCVF PLLVKHQVSR RVYFCLQTQK CSDSRRVAPV 61 FAVNNETLQL SRYLAARQPI PLSALIASLD EAETRPLYRH LFRTPVLSPE HGGEVREFKH 121 LVYFHHAAVL RHLNQVFLCP TSPSWFISVF GHTEGQVLLT MAYYLFEGQY STISTVEEYV 181 RSFCTRDLGT IIPTHASMGE FARLLLGSPF RQRVSAFVAY AVARNRRDYT ELEQVDTQIN 241 AFRERARLPD TVCVHYVYLA YRTALARARL LEYRRVVAYD ADAAPEAQCT REPGFLGRQL 301 STELLDVMQK YFSLDNFLHD YVETHLLRLD ESPHSATSPH GLGLAGYGGR IDGTHLAGFF 361 GTSTQLARQL ERINTLSESV FSPLERSLSG LLRLCASLRT AQTYTTGTLT RYSQRRYLLP 421 EPALAPLLER PLPVYRVHLP NDQHVFCAVA SETWHRSLFP RDLLRHVPDS RFSDEALTET 481 VWLHDDDVAS TSPETQFYYT RHEVFNERLP VFNFVADFDL RLRDGVSGLA RHTVFELCRG 541 LRRVWMTVWA SLFGYTHPDR HPVYFFKSAC PPNSVPVDAA GAPFDDDDYL DYRDERDTEE 601 DEDGKEDKNN VPDNGVFQKT TSSVDTSPPY CRCKGKLGLR IITPFPACTV AVHPSVLRAV 661 AQVLNHAVCL DAELHTLLDP ISHPESSLDT GIYHHGRSVR LPYMYKMDQD DGYFMHRRLL 721 PLFIVPDAYR EHPLGFVRAQ LDLRNLLHHH PPHDLPALPL SPPPRVILSV RDKICPSTEA 781 NFIETRSLNV TRYRRRGLTE VLAYHLYGGD GATAAAISDT DLQRLVVTRV WPPLLEHLTQ 841 HYEPHVSEQF TAPHVLLFQP HGACCVAVKR RDGARTRDFR CLNYTHRNPQ ETVQVFIDLR 901 TEHSYALWAS LWSRCFTKKC HSNAKNVHIS IKIRPPDAPM PPATAV //