LOCUS ABO51536.1 340 aa PRT BCT 28-JAN-2014 DEFINITION Desulforamulus reducens MI-1 polysaccharide biosynthesis protein CapD protein. ACCESSION CP000612-2984 PROTEIN_ID ABO51536.1 SOURCE Desulforamulus reducens MI-1 ORGANISM Desulforamulus reducens MI-1 Bacteria; Firmicutes; Clostridia; Eubacteriales; Peptococcaceae; Desulforamulus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 3608104) AUTHORS Copeland,A., Lucas,S., Lapidus,A., Barry,K., Detter,J.C., Glavina del Rio,T., Hammon,N., Israni,S., Dalin,E., Tice,H., Pitluck,S., Sims,D., Brettin,T., Bruce,D., Han,C., Tapia,R., Schmutz,J., Larimer,F., Land,M., Hauser,L., Kyrpides,N., Kim,E., Tebo,B.M. and Richardson,P. CONSRTM US DOE Joint Genome Institute TITLE Complete sequence of Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 3608104) AUTHORS Copeland,A., Lucas,S., Lapidus,A., Barry,K., Detter,J.C., Glavina del Rio,T., Hammon,N., Israni,S., Dalin,E., Tice,H., Pitluck,S., Sims,D., Brettin,T., Bruce,D., Han,C., Tapia,R., Schmutz,J., Larimer,F., Land,M., Hauser,L., Kyrpides,N., Kim,E. and Richardson,P. CONSRTM US DOE Joint Genome Institute TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (14-MAR-2007) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800 Mitchell Drive B100, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA COMMENT URL -- JGI Project ID: 4000266 Source DNA and bacteria available from Bradley M. Tebo ( Contacts: Bradley M. Tebo ( Paul Richardson ( Quality assurance done by JGI-Stanford Annotation done by JGI-ORNL and JGI-PGF Finishing done by JGI-LANL Finished microbial genomes have been curated to close all gaps with greater than 98% coverage of at least two independent clones. Each base pair has a minimum q (quality) value of 30 and the total error rate is less than one per 50000. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. ( FEATURES Qualifiers source /organism="Desulforamulus reducens MI-1" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="MI-1" /type_material="type strain of Desulfotomaculum reducens" /db_xref="taxon:349161" protein /locus_tag="Dred_3033" /note="PFAM: NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase; 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase; polysaccharide biosynthesis protein CapD; dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase; Male sterility C-terminal domain; Polysaccharide biosynthesis C-terminal domain protein; KEGG: sha:SH0392 capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme CapE" /transl_table=11 /db_xref="InterPro:IPR001509" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR002225" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR003869" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR005913" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR013120" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR013692" BEGIN 1 MFKNSTLLIT GGTGSFGNAV LNRFLTTDIS EIRIFSRDEK KQDDMRKLYK NDKIKFYIGD 61 VRDIASVKNA MHGVNYIFHA AALKQVPSCE FFPLEAVKTN VLGTDNVLTA AIEYGVKKVI 121 CLSTDKAAYP INAMGISKAM MEKVLVAKSK TVDPAKTLIC CTRYGNVMAS RGSVIPLFID 181 QVKSGQPLTV TDPSMTRFLM SLEEAVELVV FAFQNAQAGD ILVQKSPAST IGDLAQAIKE 241 LFNVNNEIKI IGTRHGEKLY ETLLTKEEYI VAQDLGGFFR VPADKRDLNY DKYFVEGNQK 301 LSSEEEYNSH NTYRLNIEQI KDKLLSLDYV NNELESWSKP //